How to List and Sell Your Business Now

The process is more simple than you may think.
We will initially conduct a short phone interview to gain insight into your business such as general revenues, how income is to be proven, products/services offered…Afterwards we will send a request for data specific to your business and will follow that up with either a meeting or more lengthy phone conversation.

Our goal is to ask all of the right questions that a buyer will ask, incorporate our findings into a buyers memorandum that will consist of important data for a buyer, recasted financials, a strength and weakness analysis and much more all used to properly sell your business.

Many times brokers send minimal information. I have seen anything from a simple name and website given to the tax returns sent. Most buyers do not possess the skills to properly read and recast financial statements and is not the first impression you want to give a potential buyer but rather when a buyer receives our marketing package they often know rather quickly if this is the right business for them.

Why list your business now?

We have an increasingly growing data base with buyers from all over the world, a direct marketing program, we have a large network of brokers that we cooperate with, attorneys and CPAs referring their buyers and we have been selling good businesses in much less time than the average typical timeframes and often for above average multiples.

Contact us to sell your business now.




Michael Monnot


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The Benefits of Seller Financing: Business Buyers & Business Sellers

Seller financing, sometimes referred to as owner financing, is common in the small business market.


It is a great option for all parties involved.


For Buyers:

The absence of extra costs and fees make it a better deal than traditional lending for business buyers. When using traditional lending, like a bank loan, there are higher costs. Banks tack on origination fees, document fees and fees for credit checks.

Also, you will likely get a more favorable interest rate than you would from traditional lending institutions when borrowing from a business seller. You also avoid any penalties for paying off your loan early, like you might encounter from a bank. Most sellers are happy to get their money back faster than expected.


For Sellers:

By offering seller financing, a business seller is making their business very appealing to buyers. When you offer to keep some skin in the game, you are telling potential buyers that you have faith in the long term success of the business. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t get paid. It also tells buyers that you are ready and willing to help properly train them and help ensure their own success.

Owner financing also brings in more prospective buyers when you list your business for sale. Although they exist, all-cash buyers are typically few and far between, and traditional financing can be very hard to get for the purchase of a small business. By offering to finance part of the purchase price, you are opening your business to a greater pool of potential buyers, thereby increasing the likelihood that your business will sell.


Do you have questions or concerns about seller financing? Please feel free to leave a comment or question here, and we will get you the answers you need.




Michael Monnot


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Don’t Check-Out: Why Running Your Business Needs to be Priority #1 While It’s Up for Sale

You may have your business listed on the market, but that doesn’t mean that your responsibility as owner has stopped- on the contrary, this is the time your business needs you to be at the top of your game.

The typical time period for a business to go from listed to sold can be 9 to 12 months, so allowing yourself to check-out is out of the question. The worst mistake a business owner can make is to let the responsibilities of the business go. You might be ready to move on to the next phase of life, you might be counting the money you hope make, you might be dreaming about retirement- but the time to focus on these thoughts is after the sale, not before.

What can happen if you stop paying attention to your business?

The most obvious answer is that the business will suffer. It may seem to an owner on the way out that the business is no longer their problem, but this is not the case. Here’s why:

Your business might not sell. Sometimes you are ready to sell, but there is not a buyer ready to buy. Sometimes after a time on the market, an owner will pull a business off the market for personal reasons. Perhaps you have priced your business too high. Whatever the reason, you don’t want to be left with a business in a hole that you will have to dig yourself out of.

Buyers look for businesses that are profitable, and ultimately  a business that is on the rise. If you let your business slide, it may appear to potential buyers that you are trying to unload a failing business when this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

How am I supposed to focus on my business if I’m trying to sell it?

Hire a good business broker. A business broker can focus on all the aspects of your business sale while you focus on keeping your business profitable. This will ultimately help the final sale price of your business because a profitable business will bring in more money in the end.

The key to a successful sale is a successful business.  Use the resources of a business broker so you can focus on keeping your business in the black.

Are you thinking about selling your business, but have questions about what a business broker can do for you? Leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to assist you with your business sale.




Michael Monnot



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Clean the Skeletons from the Closet Before You Sell Your Business: Are You Ready?

When a business owner decides that the time has come to consider selling, there are many aspects of the business that will need a closer look- hopefully before the business is listed on the market. An important area to consider during this process is the books.

If you are looking to sell your business, think for a moment about what needs to happen with your finances when a buyer makes an offer. When someone makes an offer on your business, due diligence begins, and during this period a prospective buyer gets a chance to go through all of your financial records. Are your books ready for this process?

If the answer to that is no (if your financial records consist of a QuickBooks account that you’ve never given much thought to, or if they’re nothing more than a bunch of boxes in the back stuffed with paper and receipts) then now is the time to act.

The best way to get your finances in good order is to hire professional help. Ask your business broker to recommend a CPA who has experience and knowledge with preparing a business for sale. The right CPA will be able to assist you with clearing out any “skeletons” and making your records easier to interpret by buyers.

Just like you would clean a house before you let prospective home buyers in, you need to clean up your books, find any issues that arise from a good look through them, and then address and correct these issues. If you deal with any financial issues in advance, then those problems won’t become negotiating points for the other side as you near the closing table.

Your records are the main way you prove that the price you are asking for is a fair one, so having them in a user-friendly form will greatly help during negotiations. Using a qualified CPA will insure that the books are easy to read and your numbers are easy to prove.

Planning ahead also means you can address problems and fix issues without the pressure of a buyer peering over your shoulder. By solving these issues in advance you will be able to present your business in the best light, instead of playing catch-up after the first impression has already been made.

Are you a business owner who has been thinking about selling, but your books are not in the best shape? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help you get your finances in ready-to-sell order.




Michael Monnot


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Seller Financing and the Sale of Your Business: A Crucial Consideration

Even in a great economy, banks have never been big fans of lending money to individuals for the purchase of a small business, so what makes the business world work is seller financing.

Many business sellers shy away from financing a part of their business sale, instead hoping for the elusive all-cash buyer, but this can be a big mistake.


It can be incredibly hard to get third-party financing for buying a business, and all-cash buyers are extremely few and far between. If a business seller refuses to offer seller financing, they are slamming the door on a large number of potential business buyers. The key to success in the sale of your business is to offer to finance part of the transaction.

Two-Fold Benefits

Seller financing can be a great selling tool because it opens your business to many more potential buyers than you would have attracted otherwise. Listing your business as one that will offer seller financing will generate more activity and will put your business ahead of others who are not offering financing. Using this approach will open your business to a much bigger pool of buyers.

The other way that seller financing benefits your business listing is that it is an attractive deal term for buyers.  By offering financing, you are expressing your belief in your business and its success over the long term, something that buyers will like to see. It is a key component of closing a deal.

What would seller financing look like for me?

The terms you will offer will depend on considerations of rate, length of term, and the amount you are willing to finance. Terms typically range from one to five years, but it varies greatly. You and your business broker will consider what percentage of the total price you are comfortable with, and what realistic terms would be.

What if I really don’t want to offer financing?

Ultimately, this will be a big mistake. You will drive away buyers, and your business will not generate the activity it could on the market. Instead, try to be open-minded, and perhaps list your business as one where seller financing may be negotiable.

The success of any business sale depends on attracting the right buyer, so do your business and yourself a favor and be ready to offer seller financing.

Do you have questions or concerns about seller financing? Please feel free to leave a comment or question here, and we will get you the answers you need.




Michael Monnot



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Making the Kids Work For Free: Why the Family Business Looking to Sell Needs to Think Ahead

Small businesses have always been a place where families get to work together. Many small businesses use family members as staff, and this mixing of family and business life can bring many benefits.


You know the people working for you better than a regular employee. You can trust employees who are related to you, and in most cases you will get a great deal of loyalty from family members within the business. It is also a fairly common practice to pay family-employees less than fair market wage, or even nothing at all.


What a business owner ends up with is loyal and trustworthy family-employees at a bargain, how could this possibly be a bad thing?


It’s a bad thing when it comes time to sell the business.




There are two main reasons, reasons a business owner needs to consider long before they want to put the business up for sale.


The first of these is value of the business. A client with a small restaurant had several children who worked as wait staff, and they were not paid hourly as the rest of the staff- they only took home what they earned in tips. The amount of work that these essentially unpaid workers did was very significant, as they helped in all aspects of running the restaurant. When buyers were evaluating the business, they had to add back in the fair wages these children never took, dropping the value of the restaurant substantially.


Another problem with the family-employee is loyalty at the time of the sale. If your kids are working for you because they feel like they have to instead of because they have a genuine interest in the business, there might not be much chance of them staying with the business once you’re gone. This can pose problems for a new owner, especially if those children are key employees within the business.


How can you avoid these pitfalls?


The most important thing you can do to protect the value of your family-run business is to be sure that all employees are paid at least fair market wage. Most business owners end up having to sell long before they thought they would be ready, so by having everyone “on the books” in this way, you are protecting the value of your business.


You can deal with issues of loyalty by having non-family employees who are trained to fill the positions of family members, even if they never do. By cross-training your staff in this way, you can ensure that a new owner will be left with a competent staff even if your family members decide to leave the business.


Do you own a family-run business and are concerned about the value of your business or employee retention after a sale? Leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to assist you with getting the most out of your business.




Michael Monnot


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Beware the Part-Time Business Broker: Why Only a Full-Time Intermediary is Right for Your Business

It happens all the time.


We meet CPA’s, real estate agents, attorneys, and even doctors who, when they find out that we are business brokers, say “I do a little bit of business brokering on the side”.


As former business owners ourselves, this is a horrifying thought.


If you were in the middle of an IRS audit, you wouldn’t go to a dermatologist who dabbles in accounting; you would go to a qualified CPA. The same goes for your business.


You don’t want someone who is unable to dedicate their attention to your business transaction because their expertise and focus is in a completely different profession. You want an experienced and qualified business intermediary who does this and only this for a living.


Why? Can’t my real estate agent help me sell my business? The short answer is no. Selling a home is almost nothing like selling a business. If your real estate agent is a true professional, they will realize selling your business is beyond the scope of what they do and refer your business transaction to a business broker instead.


There a few things that a business broker brings to the table those other professionals can’t:



When you sell your business, confidentiality is if the utmost importance. Without it, your business is sure to suffer. You don’t want your competition, your staff, or even your vendors to know that the business is on the market. When you sell, you have to get potential buyers into the business while maintaining the strictest confidentiality possible. An experienced business broker will know how to do this, will have the appropriate non-disclosure agreements ready to be signed, and will be able to market your business while keeping those who need to be in the dark in the dark at all times.


Marketing Power

A business broker has access to networks of buyers, networks of other brokers and their buyers, and access to business databases that other professionals will not. Business brokers put together marketing packages for businesses every day, and they have the experience and knowledge that allows them to put your business in the best light for prospective buyers.


Industry Know-How

A successful business broker is successful because they are great at what they do. They know the ins and outs of the buying and selling of businesses. They know how to properly price and market businesses. They know how to get you through the due diligence phase successfully. They know how to navigate all of the red tape a seller will need to go through. They have this knowledge because they are experts at buying and selling businesses.


When you are considering selling your business, be sure that the professional you hire to help you knows what they are doing. Make sure that they are truly a business intermediary or a business broker, not someone who dabbles just for fun. Ask the question, “Is this your full-time profession?” If the answer is no, find a dedicated full-time business broker instead.


Are you a business seller who has been approached by professionals other than brokers or intermediaries to sell your business? Do you have questions about why you should use a broker instead of someone else? Please leave a comment or question here, and we will be happy to address and questions or concerns you may have.




Michael Monnot



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The Emotionless Negotiation: A Guide for Business Sellers Trying to Reach the Closing Table

When you are in the process of selling your business, one of the toughest periods is the negotiation table.


You might be selling a business, but when it comes time for the hard negotiations to begin, it is really just you and the buyer across the table. The miscommunication that is rampant at this crucial step in the business transaction process kills good deals all the time.

How do you avoid the pitfall of the negotiation table disaster? Try to think like the person across the table.

Your business is your baby. You have spent what seems like countless hours and all of your blood, sweat, and tears to get it to where it is today. Your business is literally a part of you, and no numerical value can ever really quantify what it means to you. To a buyer, your business is a set of financial records and a price tag.

Your staff is like a second family to you. They may not all be perfect employees, but you have kept them around for reasons that only being a part of the business’s history can explain. To a buyer, they are a list of names and titles, and they will either conform to the new owner’s paradigm or be let go.

The price you agreed to for the listing of your business is, at least in your head, the bottom dollar you are willing to take. Any offer that comes in below asking will be truly and deeply offensive to you. To a buyer, the listing price is a starting point for negotiations, and they are going to try and pay as little as possible for your business so they have capital left over to work with.

The way you run your business is how you like things done. You are the boss, so it has always been your way or the highway. Anyone who comes in asking questions about why you do things the way you do is clearly trying to insult your intelligence. To a buyer, it is as simple as needing to understand the reasoning behind the way your business is run, nothing more.

What is the same in all of these examples? The overt emotion on the part of the seller and the lack of emotion on the part of the buyer. Selling your business is an emotional process, but if you want your transaction to be successful, it is critically important that you leave your emotions at the door. This is, after all, a business transaction, one that can be easily derailed when emotions are allowed to have the upper hand.

The easiest way to avoid an emotional negotiation is to hire a professional to do it for you. Using a professional business broker will help to provide a much needed buffer at the closing table, one that will be able to keep things moving even if the emotional barrier gets crossed. The other way to avoid losing a deal is to try your best to stay an objective seller. Treat your transaction as what is is, a set of business decisions and nothing more.

Are you a business seller who has a hard time removing the emotional component of your business sale? Leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help you become an objective seller.




Michael Monnot


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Are You Really Getting Expert Advice Concerning Your Small Business? Your Attorney vs. Your Accountant

As a business owner, you are your own Board of Directors, as all of your major business decisions are made by you alone. This can be a big job, especially because you may be an expert at running your own business, but you are not an expert at everything.

Who do you turn to when you need an expert’s advice?

For many small business owners, the answer is simple; you turn to your accountant or your attorney for help. Is this a good idea? It may be in some circumstances, but there are important caveats for using this advice.

What about my attorney?

Your attorney is probably very specialized as almost all attorneys are. They may be in family law or specialize in personal injury claims. This specialization in the legal field is only going to help your business if you are using the appropriate attorney for the appropriate reason. You should have a business law attorney as your primary counsel, and then employ a more specific attorney if necessary, like a business litigation attorney if you are party to a lawsuit or an attorney who specializes in labor laws for a labor dispute.

What if you want to sell your business?

If you are looking to sell your business, then you will need an attorney who specializes in business transactions.

Why not just use your primary business attorney?

There are a few reasons. First, business transactions require specific knowledge just like any other area of the law, so a business transaction attorney is going to be the most knowledgeable.

Second, selling a business, like all other business related decisions, comes with a bit of risk. The job of your primary attorney is to protect you from any and all risk, so they will likely be forced to advise you against your own business sale because of the inherent risk. Non-transaction attorneys kill business deals every day, deals that would have been fine had the appropriate counsel been sought.

Third, transaction attorneys are more efficient at negotiating and closing business deals than an attorney who has never closed a business deal before. It will mean less billable hours and more money in your pocket if you use a transaction attorney instead.

What about your accountant?

Accountants are different from attorneys because they are typically not as specialized, although you should really use as your primary accountant a CPA who has experience in your particular industry. Your primary accountant should be able to help you organize your financials and prepare your tax returns.

What your primary accountant should not do is give you a valuation for your business, or give you a valuation for any business you are looking to purchase.

Why? Business valuations are complex, and there are accepted methods for preparing a business valuation that an accountant who does not specialize in this field will not know. Typically valuations done by an unqualified accountant leave business owners with unrealistic expectations in the business market. Avoid this pitfall by hiring an accountant who specializes in business valuations.

What’s the lesson? Who’s advice is better, your attorney’s or your accountant’s?

The answer is neither if they are giving you advice outside their realm of expertise. As a business owner, you will need advice, but make sure that it is good advice. Hire a team of experienced professionals, and only use each for what they specialize in. In the long run, it will save you from suffering the consequences of uninformed advice.

Are you a small business owner who has dealt with the consequences of uninformed advice? Leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to assist with getting you more informed answers.




Michael Monnot


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Get the Biggest Bang for Your Business Buck: Build Value Before You Sell Your Business

If you are a business owner who has considered selling, there are a few things you can do to boost the value of your business long before (or even shortly before) putting your business on the market. Any exit strategy needs to include an element for building value if you are going to get the biggest bang for your buck when your business sells. Here are a few things you can do as part of your exit plan to boost your value on the market:

There are essentially three categories of value-building: generating growth, improving cash flow, and reducing risk.

Generating Growth

When you generate growth, you create future projections for your company that will mean future rewards for a buyer, rewards they will pay for by paying more for your business. Look for new products, new opportunities, and new markets. Revamp your marketing and sales approaches for what you currently offer. The price your business sells for is not just based on what you earned in the past; it will also be tied to future cash flow.

Improving Cash Flow

To improve your cash flow, you will need to efficiently manage your working capital. Make sure you are managing your finances properly, and constantly look for ways to cut costs. Also look for content within your business that could be proprietary elements.

Reducing Risk

One of the best ways to reduce risk is to diversify. Make sure you build a diverse list of customers. You also want to have multiple suppliers, eliminating depending on just one place to acquire what you need to keep your business running. Look within your operations for places to diversify as well. Do you have “indispensable” employees? Perhaps a diverse management team, each member of which only has partial responsibility, will protect your business value better than one all-important employee whose loss would be a big detriment to your bottom line.

Are you ready to consider selling, but want to boost the value of your business? Leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to assist you with business building techniques.




Michael Monnot


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Michael Monnot


9040 Town Center Parkway
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202


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