Why A Service-Based Business Might Be For You

Business ownership daydreams are often of the Steve Jobs variety – dreaming up some fantastic new techy business idea, starting in your garage in your spare time and then ending up reinventing the world.


As fun as these daydreams are, they are extremely far from reality for all but a lucky few – and they derail many a prospective business owner from taking the plunge because business ownership and success at that level seem impossible to attain.


If you really do want to be an entrepreneur, there is a much more realistic and possible path. Buy a small, service-based business.



While owning a maid service or auto garage may not sound as sexy as becoming the next tech billionaire, this type of service-related business can absolutely give you the financial and life-goal rewards you are looking for – often without a massive amount of risk.


Here’s why:


Service businesses always have recurring customers.

Houses don’t stop getting dirty and cars always break, so owning a business that meets these type of everyday, every person needs means you never have to go far to get a new customer and with great service you will be able to keep the customers you have. This type of business is also easily scale-able. With a simple marketing campaign and a bit more staff you can make your business as large as you want it to be.


Service businesses can allow you to have a life, too.

If you choose something like an auto shop or maid service, no one is going to expect you to be open 24-7. You can choose to be on call for emergency situations, or you can staff accordingly to take emergency calls – but you don’t have to because the situations where you would be called to an “emergency” certainly wouldn’t be life or death. You can schedule your clients around your kid’s activities, your date nights with your spouse and your vacations.


It’s easy to keep a customer if customer service is your goal.

If you own a service business, that’s what you should be providing – service. Keep you customers happy and they will likely be a customer for life, as well as recommend you to their friends and family. Focus on a great customer service experience and your business will reap the benefits.


Need employees? They won’t be hard to find.

Most service-based businesses only require on the job training, so entry-level employees will be easy to find (and easy to replace if they don’t work out). The flexibility of this business model also means you will be able to offer your employees flexibility so they can have a life too – which means you can find and keep great employees to help you grow your reputation and brand within the community.


Business ownership doesn’t need to be grand, and it doesn’t need to be complex. You can make a great living with a service-based business while maintaining that all important work-life balance. You can be a great boss and an important part of your community as well. If you’ve ever considered business ownership but didn’t think you had what it takes to be the next Steve Jobs – you don’t have to. Small business ownership can mean serving the needs of your community today.


Have you always wanted to own your own business, but were too intimidated to start the process? Would you like to know what service-based businesses are available in your community right now? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot





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Why A Motivated Seller Should Keep The Banks Out Of It (And Offer Seller Financing)


If you own a business then you probably know that it can be hard to get a traditional lending institution like a bank to finance you. Small businesses are inherently risky, and as such banks are typically unwilling to help out.


If you’re trying to sell your business, you have to remember that most buyers aren’t coming to the table with an all-cash, upfront offer. All-cash buyers are very rare, so a business owner who is unwilling to work with someone who doesn’t have all-cash is going to severely limit their pool of prospective buyers.


To make your business available to a larger pool of people you can skip the traditional banks and offer seller financing. Why?


Seller financing solves a couple of problems.


First, your willingness to keep some skin in the game after a sale speaks volumes about your faith in the future of your business (even under new leadership). You are showing potential buyers that you know the business is solid and that it has the potential to make money going forward (otherwise you don’t get paid). This can really help reassure buyers who are going to be handing you a lot of money that you see the value in the future of the business.


Second, it does away with the extra complexity of a third-party loan in your deal. When it’s just you, your broker and your buyer working out a deal you don’t have to worry about extra timelines, paperwork and bureaucracy that comes with a more traditional loan – streamlining the process.


Third, your agreement isn’t contingent on current interest rates. Or on the whims of the market. A seller financing agreement is only between two parties, so it can look however those two parties want and is insulated from the market at large.


More good news? If the buyer defaults, you get your business back so your risk in a seller financing situation is relatively low.


The point here is although it would be nice to get an all-cash, full price offer on day one – reality is more likely. Offering seller financing opens your pool of buyers, keeps banks and market whims out of your deal and helps you show buyers you’re confident in the future. Ask your business broker about what a seller financed deal might look like for you.


Do you have more questions about how seller financing works? Would you like to know what a seller financed deal might look like for your business? Ask us! Leave us any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot




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How To Balance Confidentiality Versus Marketing Exposure: Thoughts For Sellers

Business brokers get a lot of questions from business sellers, and one of the most common topics revolves around how to bring in buyers without letting the world know that the business is for sale.


Why is this an important point? Confidentiality during a business transaction is paramount.



As a seller, you don’t want the competition, your staff, or your vendors to know the business is for sale until the deal is done. A competitor can exploit your status, employees may jump ship, and vendors might tell their other clients about your impending business sale.


Discretion and confidentiality, therefore, are the name of the game when it comes to selling your business.


As a small business owner, however, you may find this counter-intuitive. The way you have brought success to your business is by getting the word out there. You have used networking and marketing strategies to make sure that as many people as possible know about your business and what you can do for them. You have put out campaigns that may have included mailers, signs, posters, emails, and flyers. The more people you reach and the louder your message, the better.


So how do you balance the need to bring in buyers with the need to keep the whole thing under wraps? Don’t go it alone.


Confidentiality during a business transaction is one of the most important responsibilities that a business broker brings to the table. Trying to market your business yourself can lead to disastrous results, as it can be hard to know who to trust and who to disclose your sale status to.


Your business broker will be able to market your business in a variety of ways:


-A good broker has access to business-for-sale databases that are available to other brokers and even to those who are searching online on their own. These listings give a prospective buyer a good idea of your business and the numbers without knowing which business it is. If they are interested in finding out more, they will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they are allowed to know any business or location specific details. You can even specify a list of those (like competitors or employees) who you would like to be kept from finding out your business status.


-Most brokers also have lists of prospective buyers, so when your business gets listed they will let those folks who’ve been looking for a business like yours know that it’s available.


-Business brokers also have contacts within the local business community, and are therefore able to let interested parties know about your business without giving any specific information that would let someone figure out which business is for sale.


-Depending on the type of business you have, certain types of marketing may work better than others. An experienced broker will know which methods will bring in the right buyers and which methods are a waste of time. They will be able to implement a marketing plan for your specific business accordingly.


The message here is the confidentiality of your business sale is of the utmost importance, but so is getting you a buyer and getting your business sold. By employing the services of a qualified and experienced broker you can have the best of both worlds.


Are you a business seller who has had issues with confidentiality? Do you have questions about how we can market your business successfully while keeping the whole transaction under wraps? Ask us! Leave us a comment or question here and we will be happy to help. 




Michael Monnot


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Why Florida Business Buyers Should Research (Not Freak Out About) Hurricane Risks


If you’ve considered moving to Florida and buying a business, then the news cycle during the hurricane season might have you considering somewhere more inland. And north. And away from the ocean.


Don’t let it.


Natural disasters happen everywhere – the up side to a hurricane (as opposed to a tornado or raging forest fire) is you get lots of time to prepare. Boarding up windows, sand bagging doors, moving expensive electronics and important papers out of harms way, etc. works to lessen the blow by these large, but infrequent, storms.


Let’s talk about that frequency for a minute. It might seem like hurricanes are a part of everyday Florida life, but the big and bad ones really don’t happen that often in one location. Southwest Florida, where hurricanes Irma and Ian caused havoc, hadn’t seen the impacts of a big storm since 2004 (Charley) – a 13 year break between large storm impacts.


If you want to be in Florida and are worried about the impact of storms remember that the majority of Florida is inland – most business owners can’t see the ocean from their front door. Only those businesses very close to the beaches, bays and rivers need to be extra vigilant and worry about concerns like storm surge – and those businesses can successfully recover if they properly prepare and keep up to date on their insurances. Your location is going to matter a lot if you’re worried about hurricane impacts, so do your research and see what areas you would be most comfortable in – then work with your business broker to find businesses in those areas.


Once you own a Florida business, preparation is the key to success in a storm. Although some business owners can have hard road ahead in the aftermath of a storm (because of the damage they sustain), most businesses who plan ahead are able to reopen relatively quickly. Generators and full spare gas cans mean that some businesses are even able to open their doors before the power comes back on. New construction codes (like hurricane windows and roof tie-downs) that were put in place in the last few decades have also dramatically decreased the amount of damage a storm can do.


The point here is you shouldn’t let hurricane season dissuade you from the chance to be a part of the booming Florida small business economy. In fact, if you’re considering a business in the construction, fencing, tree service or roofing industries – then our occasional bashing by a big storm means more job security for you.


Have you considered buying a business in Florida but are concerned about how hurricanes can affect your business? Do you have questions about what areas are more prone to the effects of a hurricane? Ask us! Please feel free to leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot



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Why You Need To Think Of The Closing Table As A POSSIBLE Miracle


Business deals are really, really tough. A large amount of money is changing hands. Many people are involved. Schedules are fluid and frequently changing. Personalities clash. Someone is giving up their blood, sweat and tears to a complete stranger. Another person is buying themselves a job from a person they don’t know well enough to completely trust. It’s a tenuous balance to be sure.


When you buy or sell a business you might think you don’t need help, but the truth of the matter is that business deals are so inherently fragile that it can be almost impossible to see a closing table without someone in the middle. That person is a business broker, and you need a good one. 


Business brokers work as intermediaries. They are a buffer between everyone involved and are worth their weight in gold. Their job is to protect and guide the transaction from start to finish, and to keep the relationship between the buyer and seller as amiable as possible. 


People who own businesses and people who would buy a business are a tough bunch. Entrepreneurship is difficult and it takes someone with a tenacious personality and a lot of drive. Think type-A, organized and decisive. Guess what happens when you put two people with strong personalities in a room together and try to make a bunch of really big decisions? They clash. 


Why are we telling you this? If you know going in that there are going to be conflicts, that it’s a completely normal part of the process and that you have your broker to get you through – the conflicts don’t seem as bad and world-ending.


There will be a lot of moments while you buy or sell a business where it will feel like the deal is dead, like you can’t get the details ironed out, like it’s a hopeless uphill battle. The good news is this isn’t true. You can get a deal done if you prepare yourself by having a lot of patience and by getting yourself the right help in the form of an experienced and qualified broker. Your closing table is an absolutely possible miracle. 


Are you thinking about buying or selling a business and want to know what you should do when you feel like the deal has no hope of making it to the end? Would you like to know more about how business brokers work through a transaction? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help. 




Michael Monnot



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Michael Monnot


9040 Town Center Parkway
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202


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