Business Broker 101: A Business Buyer’s Guide to Working With a Broker, Part 2: The Questions a Great Broker (Like Us) Will Ask You and Why

Every business buyer wants a great broker by their side during the business transaction process because it makes the whole process more successful overall. What you don’t want is a bad business broker who communicates only by email and infrequently at best. One easy way to judge whether or not you’ve found a good broker is to see what kinds of questions they are asking you. Let’s talk about the types of questions any good broker (like us) will ask you and why.


1. The Money


Your broker is going to ask you about your money. They need to know exactly how much money you have to invest in a business, and they are going to need to see some kind of financial statement to back up that number.


If you were planning on getting some kind of third-party financing, like a bank loan, don’t count on it. Although most lending institutions are beginning to change their attitude about lending after the economic collapse, it is still incredibly difficult to get third-party financing. If you have enough for a significant down payment, then you always have the option of finding a business whose seller is offering seller financing.


Either way, your broker will need to know the number on the bottom line. When you ultimately buy a business, you will have to share your financial information and prove the ability to pay what you’ve offered, as well as proving to a future landlord that you have the capital to keep the doors to the business open for the lease you are about to sign.


If you are someone who refuses to reveal this kind of information about yourself, you will have a hard time finding a good broker to work with you. It is also incredibly important that you be honest about your financial situation from the start. If you try to deceive the other parties in your transaction, the truth will ultimately come to light when you can’t write the check you’ve promised.


Be honest. Even if you will be using some kind of seller financing, you will need enough capital to qualify for a lease, and you will need to be forthcoming with that information.


2. Your Experience


Your broker will also want to discuss your experience with you and your experience within the industry that you wish to enter.


While it is not absolutely necessary to have owned the exact same type of business as the one you are seeking, you will need to have some practical experience with the type and size of business you are looking to buy. If you are currently a business owner, then you should look for a similar sized business or one that is modestly bigger. For example, if you currently own a small sandwich shop, it is probably not advisable for you to jump into a huge 250 seat restaurant and bar.


If you have never owned a business, you should have some practical experience or knowledge of your desired industry from working within that industry. The key here is to listen to the advice you are getting from someone (your broker) who has seen countless people buy a bar with zero restaurant industry experience only to end up running it into the ground.

A great broker doesn’t want to set you up to fail, they want you to succeed in the hopes that you will sell your successful business again down the road.


Your broker should have a discussion with you about your experience and help to guide you into a business that will actually work for you.


3. Your Expectations


A great broker will also be very interested in finding out what your expectations are with regard to the business you want to buy.


Are you looking for a business that has all of the numbers laid out in black and white on tax returns? Would you be willing to purchase a business whose income is more cash-based and what’s called “owner-to-prove”? How would you like the income to be derived for a business you own?


A great broker is not going to send you the past three years of tax returns and a current P&L (Profit & Loss statement) and leave you to figure out the rest for yourself. Businesses are generally very complex when it comes to determining what the numbers actually mean in terms of the return an owner gets on their investment. A good broker is going to walk you through the numbers so you get a really good idea of how the business is performing, as well as pointing out the areas where there is room for growth.


For example, a business may show a loss on paper, but when you add back in the salaries taken by owners, vehicles paid for by the business, etc., the business is actually quite profitable.


A great broker will also ask you about what you would ultimately like your work day to look like. How many hours are you looking to spend at your business a week? Are you looking for a major role, say as the head chef, or more of a managerial position?


These are important details when deciding what kind of business you are looking for, and a good broker will make sure your expectations align with the businesses you are considering.


The Bottom Line


We, as business brokers, are here to help you find a business that works for you. Finding and developing a good relationship with a great broker will be instrumental in your success finding and purchasing a business. If all you’ve done so far to vet brokers is shoot out a dozen emails, take the time to get a few brokers on the phone. Their questions will speak volumes about their ability to guide you through this process and reach your goals.


Are you a business buyer who hasn’t been asked any of these questions? Do you have questions of your own about what financial information you would need to buy a business, what industry would be right for you, or what your expectations should be? Ask us! Leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help answer all of your business buying questions.

Michael Monnot


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Business Broker 101: A Business Buyer’s Guide to Working With a Broker, Part 1: Why Do I Need a Business Broker?

When you enter the business market, you will come across a group of professionals called business brokers.


Who are they and what is their role on the buyer’s side of a business sale?


Business brokers represent the transaction, and it is their job to list and sell existing businesses. The broker typically works on commission, and that commission is typically paid by the seller.


While it might seem at first like only a business seller needs a broker – if you are on the buyer side of these transactions, then your own broker can be an invaluable resource.




A business broker can help you with every part of the business buying process. Buying a business can be a complicated and patience-testing endeavor. Having a professional to help you navigate this process will help you reach your ultimate goal of buying business.


Here’s why:


  • A good business broker will help you with deciding what kind of business would be right for you based on your goals and experience, and then help you find that business in the market. Using a broker will give you access to more listings than you would be able to find on your own, and may also give you access to businesses that are not yet on the open market.


  • A broker is a great buffer between you and the seller’s side of negotiations. In almost every case, the buyer and seller of a business will have to work together during a training period after the close of the sale. The more amicable you can keep your relationship the better that training period will be. The best way to keep things amicable between the two parties is to use an intermediary during the transaction process. Your own intermediary will be best for getting across the things that are important to you.


  • Having you own broker means you have someone who knows what your goals are, is familiar with what you are looking for in a business, and is concerned for your end of the deal. If you go into a deal where the seller’s broker is unknown to you, but they are going to represent both sides of the negotiations, can you really be certain that you will be getting a deal that works for you?


  • Buying a business means a lot of paperwork – like leases, licensing, and contracts. Having a broker to help you will ensure that you are getting all of the information you need and all of the proper paperwork handled.


The moral of the story is that you need your own business broker if you want to have a successful business buying experience. They will be invaluable in making your journey to business ownership a successful one.


Are you a business buyer who has questions about what a business broker can do for you? Please leave us a comment or question and we will be happy to assist you with your business buying questions.

Michael Monnot


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Bite the Bullet and Make an Offer: How Business Buyers Get Serious

When you are considering buying a business, many business buyers waste an inordinate amount of time beating around the bush. They spend countless hours searching business listings, calling multiple brokers, signing dozens and dozens of non-disclosure agreements only to never get to their ultimate goal of actually buying a business.


Business sellers and business brokers see these kinds of buyers all the time. While deep down this type of buyer might be serious about owning a business, they will not be taken seriously by those in the market or those in the industry because no one wants to waste valuable time on a buyer who is only “kicking tires”. As a buyer you have to show how serious you are about purchasing a business as soon as you have found the right business for you.


What if I am “kicking tires” because I’m not sure this is the business for me?


You will have to realize something about the business market right away – there is no perfect business. All businesses come with their fair share of issues, you will just have to decide what you will (and won’t) be able to deal with.


How do I find out if the business has issues I can deal with?


Make an offer. This is the best way to pull back the curtains and really decide if this is the business for you. In many cases, the seller will refuse to release any confidential financial information until an offer is made.


What happens after you’ve made an offer that is accepted by the seller is a period called due diligence. During due diligence, the business is temporarily pulled from the market to allow you as the buyer to have a good look at the financial records, the inventory, the equipment, etc.


If, during this due diligence period, you find out that the business has issues you can’t handle, has problems that you didn’t see from the outset, or you simply decide that the business is not for you – you can back out of the deal and move on.


As a buyer, you can’t be afraid to get the ball rolling. Make offers on businesses you are interested in. If a full-fledged offer makes you too nervous, you can even go in with a Letter of Intent (LOI). The point is the only way to be taken seriously by a seller is to put an offer in writing.

Are you a buyer in the market, but are having trouble getting sellers and brokers to take you seriously? Do you have questions about how to put in an offer on a business? Please leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help.

Michael Monnot


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Doing the Valuation Tango with an Overpriced Business

It is absolutely shocking how many businesses end up on the market with a ridiculously high valuation and an outrageous asking price.


Why does this happen? When a seller is allowed to decide on an asking price, the value they place on their own business usually has little to do with what the business is actually worth to a buyer and more to do with how much money they feel they have invested, how much they think they’ll need for retirement, etc.


Many business brokers allow their clients to set the listing price simply because they want the listing, not because it is what is in the best interest of the seller. Some sellers and brokers alike also set an asking price high because they want to use it as the high end of a negotiation scheme. What this does in reality is drive away buyers and stick the business in listing purgatory.


As a buyer you are likely going to deal with listing prices that are way too high, but the solution is not to send in a low-ball offer and hope it sticks. That is the last thing you should do because it will almost always severely offend a seller to the point that they will refuse to work with you. On the other hand, you are not willing to overpay for a business, so what should you do?


The answer is initially ignore the asking price, as long as it is generally in the ballpark of what you are looking to spend. For instance, if you are only willing to invest $50,000 in the purchase of a business, you should probably not consider businesses listed for $300,000. If you initially ignore the listing price, you will give yourself a chance to determine what the business is worth to you.


How do you determine what you should offer? First and foremost, use your business broker for help. They know what comparable businesses have sold for, what the local competition means in terms of price and what the industry trends are. You will also need to look at the business and its numbers to see if fits with what you are looking for. Whatever you offer will need to be backed up with why you think that price is appropriate, so consider all aspects before deciding on an offer.


Also, the better the relationship you have with a seller, the better your transaction will be, so be sure to give a respectful offer with some real reasoning behind it. Trying to start negotiations by sending in a very low offer is as ridiculous as the seller setting an outrageously high price as a starting point for negotiations. The two sides will be too far apart for any meaningful negotiations to begin.


The moral of the story is that everything in a business transaction is negotiable, so just because a business is listed at a specific price it doesn’t mean that is what it will sell for.


Are you a buyer who can’t seem to find a business with a reasonable listing price? Do you have questions about how to determine what you should offer for a business? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help you.

Michael Monnot


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I Want a Premium Price for My Business, Will I Get It?

As a seller, you want to get top dollar for your business, but wanting the world and getting the world are vastly different matters. Every seller wants top dollar for their business, but what is most important when the time comes to sell is to be realistic.


What kinds of things are buyers looking for when they are determining what to spend on a business? They are looking for industries that are in demand, for businesses with a large market share, for businesses that are performing well and are profitable.


What if my business doesn’t have those qualities? Don’t be disheartened if your business isn’t the industry leader or even if your business isn’t currently turning a profit. Businesses in the red sell all the time, and for the right buyer with the time and resources to make the changes necessary to get back in the black – that business can be a terrific buy.


The key to getting the best price for your business is to focus on the strengths, the opportunities for growth, and on the parts of the business that make it unique. If you play up the plusses, you will get a better return on your investment.


The key here is to be realistic. It is incredibly important for the success of your transaction that you keep your eyes on the goal of selling your business. If you don’t get the premium price you had hoped for, you can at least get a fair price for what you are offering. If you still insist on waiting for an unrealistic price, you may languish in the market indefinitely.


Are you trying to sell your business but your numbers don’t look good? Are you curious about how much you could get if you sold your business today? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here and we will be happy to help you with selling your business.

Michael Monnot


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Business Buyers and Sellers: What Makes a Business Valuable?

Whether you are a business buyer or a business seller, the most important part of any business sale is the amount of money that is going to change hands.


When you are deciding on a listing price or on how much to offer a seller, you will need to make your own determination of what the business is worth.


At first glance, it seems reasonable that a business is worth what the financial records say it’s worth, and perhaps the value of the inventory, but the nuances of business pricing are typically much more complicated than that. Here is a great place to use an experienced and knowledgeable business broker for help. They know the nuances of pricing inside and out, and could be a great asset for this part of the process.


What are a few aspects of a business that may not be initially obvious in terms of value, but can bring value to the table nonetheless? These are the kinds of questions you should be asking when determining either a listing price or an offer:


Does the business have a well developed management team in place and happy employees? Is the staff organized and do they have clearly defined roles?


What kinds of operating procedures are in place? Does the business have an organized system for dealing with things like inventory control and tracking sales?


Are the financial records clear and up to date? Do the records accurately reflect the numbers the business generates? Is there a very limited amount of personal expenses?


Does the business have a strong internet presence with a professional website? Does the business have a marketing plan in place and implemented? Does the business make use of all possible avenues, like social media, for bringing in new customers?


Does the business have room for growth? Is the infrastructure in place for scaling the business in the future? Does the business have an aspect that makes it unique in the market?


Is the staff situation sustainable? Are employees cross-trained? Do key employees have the motivation to stay on if the business changes hands?


Are there a limited number of liabilities in the business? Is there any pending litigation? Is there a diversity of clientele?


When deciding what you want to get for your business or what you are willing to pay, don’t just focus on the books and the inventory list. Use the knowledge and expertise of your business broker to determine what parts of a business bring more money to the table.


Are you a seller who is trying to determine the listing price for your business? Are you a buyer who has questions about what to offer for a specific business? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to answer your pricing questions.

Michael Monnot


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Secret to Selling Businesses

My Secret to Selling a Business

Do you know what drives business sales?

Marketing, proper pricing, the right presentation, the network of the broker, finding qualified buyers, proper documentation… I can go over a plethora or reasons but I want to focus on the marketing package that a broker SHOULD prepare but many do not.

As we all know the importance of a first impression and unfortunately the marketing materials we get from other listing brokers is a simple P&L, tax return or something similar but most buyers do not know how to read and interpret them properly and most businesses P&L or tax returns do not reflect true income such as the typical add backs like depreciation, interest, many personal items like health insurance, cell phones, personal vehicles…but that buyer is going to look at the bottom line and usually that does not look the best.

Buyers today want real information and I know what buyers are asking for.

1. Recasted Financials: Let me properly recast your financials and show the true benefits of the business. I n the past I have found a business that paid for all personal airplane fuel, I have properly amortized large expenses to increase revenues and many more examples

2. Benchmark Data: I will actually research the industry to provide market data about the industry to a buyer to make sure they are comfortable. This often assists in weeding out many of the bad businesses so that we can get a properly educated and focused buyer.

3. SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats): This is a true key to selling a business. It is important to make sure a buyer know the flaws of a business to understand the opportunity to grow the business.

4. Trends: Another important part in selling a business is providing the positive trends in either the business or the industry

5. Expert Comments: I will provide expert comments and recommendations from industry experts and insiders to back up my information

6. Media: Most of our buyers are from other states or even other countries. Every package I put together includes some type of media which allows us to direct buyers to reviews, articles, video or pictures. It is shocking how many brokers do not even include simple pictures.

7. Sellers Duties: You may be surprised but most brokers do not know the actual duties of the seller and this is very important to obtain qualified buyers and not to waste the sellers time.

8. Employees: Many buyers are coming here and bringing family members. Knowing the employees pay and duties are another great way to sell a business as we will incorporate the family in the opportunity and show a bigger bottom line.

9. Website: To many brokers do not even have their listings on their own site. If this minimum duty cannot be accomplished would you want to list your business with them?

Again this is just one small part of the overall process of selling a business but picking the proper broker to sell your business can save you time, money and frustration. Picking me as one of the top business brokers in Florida will be one of the best decisions you will make.

I do not sell a business by just putting it on a website, I have streamlined my systems, accumulated an extremely large database and developed my own technologies to sell businesses.




Michael Monnot


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Is Your Business Broker Working for You or Themselves?

Is Your Business Broker Working for You or Themselves?

I think this is a fair question every business buyer and seller must ask their business broker prior to working with them to buy or sell a business.  I raise this question because I see so many individuals become business brokers because they think business transactions is a viable sideline.  It is not.  The best in this game are 100% dedicated to their craft.

Here are some brokers, names excluded to protect the guilty, who I continually receive complaints about:

Broker #1:  Owns a portrait studio as his main business.  Contact with clients is almost always through their admin.  Seldom answers or returns calls because they are busy taking photographs of his real clients.

Broker #2:  Spends time as an expert witness and providing litigation support.  Difficult to schedule meetings with because they are often traveling out of town.

Broker #3:  Owns an equipment valuation franchise.  Difficult to schedule meetings with because they are often traveling out of town and has no supporting staff for backup.

Broker #4:  Sells predominately commercial real estate.  Lists many businesses and sells very few.  Very weak on packaging and marketing businesses because their marketing efforts are passive such as those typically used by commercial realtors.

Broker #5:  Came from corporate America and bought a franchise. They never owned their own business let alone bought or sold a business for themselves.

Broker #6:  Young and poorly trained.  Breaches confidentiality by handing out names of businesses for sale to buyers without the proper paperwork, i.e., non-disclosure agreements and financial verification.

What do each of these brokers have in common?  Either by time commitment or educational commitment, they only have one foot in the business brokerage industry.

Me:  I work exclusively with buyers and sellers to transact businesses.  I return calls personally.  My assistance is back office support only.  When I am out of town, it is for education/training on business sales or an out of town buyer or seller looking to transact a business. I actively market businesses to a wide number of prospective business buyers through email marketing, social media and affiliations with other brokers.  I have owned, bought and sold businesses for myself.  And, finally, I stick to the process. Protecting confidentiality and exuding professionalism are keys to success in this business and I am committed to both.




Michael Monnot


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What a Business Buyer Needs to Do to Keep The Deal Alive

Business deals fall apart everyday, and if you are really serious about buying a business, you will have to do your part to keep your deal in motion all the way to the closing table. How does a buyer keep the momentum going?


Here are a few ways:


First and foremost, go into the business buying process with the realistic attitude that a perfect business does not exist. All businesses are going to come with issues, you will just need to decide on a case by case basis what types and sizes of issues you are willing to overlook or deal with.


Another very common issue that arises with buyers? Don’t over-analyze the business. While it is incredibly important to use your due diligence phase to discover any problems with the business (before they become your problems after closing), there is a point where cautiousness turns to an unnecessary analysis of risk. All business dealings come with a certain amount of risk, there will never be a circumstance where you can avoid it all. Be cautious but not crazy.


Another way a buyer can do their part is not to ask for enormous lengths of time to look at the books. A few weeks should be sufficient. It is unreasonable to ask a seller to pull their business off the market for inordinate amounts of time, especially if you then decide not to buy.


Don’t forget about things like leases and licensing. These parts of the business transaction sometimes involve a lot of back and forth with red tape, so make sure you get started on them right away. You don’t want to be without the proper licenses the day you take over the business.


It is not always an issue with the buyer’s side of the deal that can hold up a sale, so don’t be afraid to push the deal forward if you feel that the other side is taking too long to get you information you need. Due diligence is your chance to run through the financials, but you will need to be aware that the seller is trying to run a business while all of this is going on, so keep your time demands realistic.


The buyer side of the deal can slow a sale down just as easily as the seller side can. If you are serious about buying a business, do your part to get to the closing table and you will have a much better chance for a successful transaction.


Are you a buyer who has been a part of deals that have fallen apart? Do you have questions about the best way to get to the closing table? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help you with the business buying process.




Michael Monnot




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Interested in Selling Your Business? Don’t Make These Big Mistakes. Mistake #4: Letting Unqualified Buyers in the Door

If you are interested in selling your business, there are some basic mistakes business sellers make that can absolutely be avoided if you know what they are. Business transactions are inherently complex, so knowing what the most common pitfalls are can help to streamline the process by avoiding them.


Big Mistake #4: You are letting buyers get to due diligence without knowing if they are qualified to actually buy the business.


If you are trying to sell your business on your own, this is a situation that you should cause you some concern.


Why? By going it alone, you will be exposed to buyers who may not be able to pay, buyers who are just kicking tires and buyers who assume they will be able to get third-party financing when they can’t. Every seller is going to come across buyers like this, but if you don’t find out ahead of time you could get stuck with your business off the market in due diligence for no reason.


What is due diligence? Due diligence happens when a seller gets a serious offer from a buyer and accepts that offer. What happens next is the business gets temporarily taken off the market so the buyer can conduct a thorough investigation of the business. If, after the due diligence period, the buyer wants to proceed with the sale, the business transaction moves to closing. What can happen in these situations when a buyer has not been qualified is the business gets pulled from the market for several weeks for due diligence only to have closing not happen for lack of funds.


How can you avoid this situation? Use a professional business broker. They are able to determine if a buyer is a truly serious buyer with access to the adequate funds to purchase your business. They will weed out buyers who don’t have the funds or are hopeful for a third party loan from a bank that probably won’t happen in this economic climate.


Do you have questions about how to find buyers with enough capital? Are you wondering if you need a business broker or if you will be able to go it alone? Please leave a question or comment here and we will be happy to help you with your business sale.

Want to read Mistake #1: The Cold-Feet Seller? Click here.

Want to read Mistake #2: The Box-O-Paper Financials? Click here.

Want to read Mistake #3: All-Cash Greed? Click here.

Michael Monnot


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Michael Monnot


9040 Town Center Parkway
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202


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