Make More Money When You Sell Your Business: 2 Surprising Ways To Improve Your Bottom Line


Anyone who owns a business wants to make more money than they already do, but adding to your bottom line becomes crucial when you are considering putting your business on the market – now or in the future. A growing business will always be more appealing to a buyer than a business that isn’t, and surprisingly simple changes can help boost your numbers in this critical time.


It might seem obvious that one of the easiest ways you can boost your numbers is by cutting costs, but some costs happen so routinely that they may not even occur to you as an owner. For instance, what do you pay for your merchant services? These subscription-type services are something your business needs, but if you take a closer look you might find you are paying far too much. Services like these often contain hidden and unnecessary fees – and if you signed a contract for service you could be hit with a hefty cancellation fee if you find something better and want to switch. Do a bit of research to see if all of your recurring expenses are giving you the most for your money.


A second surprising way you can improve your bottom line is by keeping your inventory in check. How much inventory do you have on hand? What inventory control mechanisms do you have in place? Many small businesses don’t think they need inventory management, they just order new inventory when something runs low. Neglecting your inventory can have disastrous effects on your bottom line, however, because excess inventory eats up your cash. Excess inventory, especially inventory that probably won’t sell, can even decrease the amount of money you are able to get for your business. Keeping proper tabs on what you’re buying will keep you from ending up in a situation where you are sitting on a pile of inventory that won’t ever sell – and business buyers won’t want.


Cutting costs by minimizing unnecessary expenses and streamlining your inventory process can all add value to your business in the critical time before you sell. Even if selling is on the distant horizon, these types of changes will at least help your bottom line – so why not?


Have you thought about selling in the near future and have questions about the process? Would you like to know more about boosting your bottom line in the run up to a business sale? Contact us today and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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The Latest Immigration News And What It Means For You


Both the 4th and 9th Circuit Courts of the United States upheld the hold placed on the travel ban earlier this year, but for different reasons. The Fourth Circuit Court ruled that the reworked ban violated the First Amendment – the amendment that prohibits the establishment of religion. The Ninth Court ruled that President Trump overstepped his authority because he made a decision about national security without adequate justification. The ban now heads to the Supreme Court where justices may decide to hear the case or may decide to delay it until the next session in several months.


If you are someone who is considering a move to the United States as a business investor – then it’s great news that yet another court upheld the ban. It shows that the incredibly restrictive nature of the new administration’s immigration policies will meet legal challenges on every front.


If you are looking to sell your business in the near future a continuation of the hold is good news for you too.


First of all, if your business is sensitive to the ebb and flow of the tourism industry, the legal pushback in the news tells the rest of the world that the U.S. isn’t such an intolerant place after all. Foreign tourism dropped off after the initial travel ban was announced, and this newest development might help to turn that trend around.


On the second front this hold might keep the administration’s attention away from such immigration programs as the EB-5 and the E2 – which many fear could be changed and restrict the amount of foreign-born entrepreneurs coming to the US. The backlash and legal maneuvering might also slow the administration’s push to limit immigration on other fronts that might effect the small business community for fear of further legal fights.


Resistance to the new immigration policies shows that the United States is not as intolerant of immigrants as the initial moves by the administration may have portrayed us. Continual resistance shows that no matter what the political climate we are unlikely to completely change our national identity as a country of immigrants based on one administration’s plans.


As to what the future holds – no one can be sure how the Supreme Court will handle the decisions of the lower courts. The fact that the lower courts upheld the bans for different reasons may make it more complex for the Supreme Court to hear and/or decide. For now, the best bet is to wait and see.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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Great News All Around: The Newest BizBuySell Insight Report

The newest BizBuySell Insight report is out – and the news is better than good.


The first quarter of 2017 saw record numbers, where closed transactions were up 29% from the same quarter of 2016. This jump has a lot to do with the booming economy, access to financing options and strong numbers within the small business community itself.



Both median revenue and median cash flow are at the highest levels since BizBuySell started tracking data back in 2007 and median asking and selling prices moved closer together – showing a stabilization of the market.


What does this mean for you? It means that the small business market is healthy and growing, although stabilizing forces will probably curb the record setting numbers of the 1st quarter and leave us with a year very similar to 2016 (which was a great year on it’s own).


If you’re thinking about selling or buying a business, now is the time to do so because the market is healthy, business financials are up and prices are fair.


Do you have questions about the health of the market in your industry or in the industries you are considering? Contact us today.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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Why Business Owners Should Plan For An Emergency Retirement


Do you own your own business?


Smart business owners already have a long term exit strategy in place, like preparing to hand the business over to their children or planning to retire at a certain age.


Planning for your eventual exit is a good idea, but you should also consider an emergency exit plan. Ask yourself this question: What will happen to your business if you need to sell unexpectedly?


There are many circumstances where a business owner might need to walk away – like the illness of a family member or serious health issues of their own. If something comes along that will prevent you from sustaining your business, a pre-planned emergency exit strategy will allow you to walk away with a financial return instead of nothing at all.


I don’t need an emergency exit strategy, I’ll just follow my long term plan and sell when I’m ready.”


An emergency exit strategy isn’t complicated and it isn’t anything like a long term plan. It just means that you and a business broker take a look at your business through a buyer’s eyes and make any necessary changes now instead of during a personal crisis.


Why is it so important to look at my business this way now, when I have no intention of selling in the foreseeable future?


It takes, on average, 9 to 12 months to get a business from listing to closing. This time frame can be lengthened considerably by having a business that isn’t in ready to sell shape.


To avoid any lengthy delays you need to think about a buyer’s eyes long before you have any buyers coming through the door. For instance:


What can you do to boost your numbers?

To answer this question think about your current marketing strategy. Are you hitting all areas of the market that you could be? Are you fully engaged on social media? Have you had any recent promotions to try and boost business? If you answered no to all of these questions, then perhaps it’s time to refresh your marketing strategy.


Are your financial records in an organized and easy-to-understand format?

If you think about your financial records and your first mental image is a cardboard box full of crumpled paper – now is the time to sort that out. A business broker and a CPA who specializes in business transactions will be able to help you organize your records and teach you how to keep them that way.


Is the place in total disrepair or in serious need of a deep cleaning?

First impressions last forever, so if your equipment has seen better days or the floor is so dirty it smells – you’d better believe that a buyer will have serious second thoughts about the rest of your business. Anyone who lets the physical aspects of their business fall into such disrepair probably hasn’t had an eye on growth, right? Fix what’s broken when it breaks and make deep cleaning part of your regular routine.


If these questions resonate with you, now is the time to implement changes – not when an impending emergency is forcing you to sell. Talk to a business broker now, even if you don’t plan on selling in the foreseeable future, so you can know how to be ready when and if you need to be.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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3 Questions A Business Seller Should Ask


When you are in the thick of selling your business, you will be answering buyer questions, broker questions, attorney questions, accountant questions…the list goes on. It is also important that you ask a few questions of your own, especially of the person who may buy your business.


What kinds of things should a seller ask a buyer?


The person buying your business will be taking over for you and hopefully continuing all of the hard work you’ve put in during your time as owner. It is important to find out a few things about this new person, especially if you are going to be offering seller financing. You will need to be able to trust that this buyer has what it takes to keep the business open long enough to pay you back. Here are a few of the questions a seller should ask any potential buyer:


Have you ever owned a business before? If yes, then what happened to that business? This question will help to establish that this is a person who knows the kind of commitment of their time and energy business ownership requires. If the buyer has never owned a business before, don’t be tempted to write them off. Many people have the drive necessary to own their own business. Remember that at some point you were a rookie business owner too. 


Do you have any experience in this industry? Why do you want to own a business in this industry? It is always ideal, although not absolutely necessary, to buy a business that is within your knowledge base because it allows you to start with experience under your belt instead of at the ground floor. This question will help you determine from the get-go what kind of training and consultation periods are going to be required for this buyer.


How do you plan to finance this business? Would you require seller financing for this business? Are you a cash buyer? These questions should have already been asked and answered by the business brokers involved long before your first meeting with a buyer, but it is always good to get an answer straight from the source, especially because circumstances may have changed since the question was last asked.


As you move through the process of selling your business, just remember that you have the right to ask questions too.


Are you a business seller who is curious about the kinds of questions a seller should be asking? Do you have questions about what kinds of answers you should be looking for? Please leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to assist you.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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How To Handle Low-Ball Offers When Selling Your Business


If you are a business seller, get ready for a low-ball offer.


It is more than likely that you will get at least one offer that you consider far too low. The key to turning a low-ball offer into a successful sale? Attitude.


It can feel pretty insulting when a complete stranger takes a look at the the business where you’ve invested you blood, sweat and tears and comes back with what you would consider a ridiculously low offer.


Business is an impersonal game, and when you sell your business you will need to take your emotions out of the game if you want to be successful.


Don’t look at a low-ball offer as an insult, look at it as a starting point. The listing price of your business should never be the very minimum that you are willing to take, it too is a starting point for buyers.


The business transaction process is called a process for a reason. There will be a lot of back and forth between the parties involved over everything from the closing date to the bottom line. If you go into the process with the goal of getting to the closing table, you will be far more successful than if you go in with the attitude that everything must go your way. Also realize that not all buyers are going to think that coming in too low would offend a seller, so keep a good-faith attitude throughout the process about the other side.


Once the initial offer is in play, you can begin the process of negotiating for a price that is acceptable for both parties. This is a great time to be using the services of a business broker because they can do the impersonal negotiating for you.


During these initial negotiations you will be able to tell pretty quickly if what you have is a serious buyer who is truly motivated to buy your business. If they are a serious buyer, they will be inclined to back up their offer with the reasoning they used to arrive at that price, and will be willing to meet you somewhere in the middle. If they aren’t, then you can move on.


Again, it is critically important that you treat all offers, at least initially, as serious offers and that you deal with all parts of the business selling process without getting your emotions involved. Keep you eye on the goal of getting to that closing table and you will have a much more successful transaction.


Are you a business seller who keeps getting low-ball offers? Are you having a hard time staying objective? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help you get to the closing table successfully.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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Big Price? Big Mistake – Selling Your Business


It can be really difficult to see a business that you have built from the ground up objectively, but there is a crucial decision that you will need to make as a business owner that will need to made without any emotion – pricing your business.


New businesses come on the market every day that are priced ridiculously high. They might be great businesses, but most of the time a business that has an over-inflated price will get no traction on the market and will stay listed forever.


When a business first hits the market it can create a lot of action from buyers, but those buyers can be permanently driven away if the price is completely insane.


So why do people list their businesses too high?


Usually one of two things has happened:


They got some bad advice. There are great professionals like business brokers and business transaction accountants that can help a business owner price their business correctly right out of the gate. There are, on the other hand, lots of people who know little to nothing about the buying and selling of businesses who give terrible pricing advice. Your brother-in-law who sold his bar in 1986, the CPA who does your taxes, your attorney neighbor who practices labor law – while well intentioned, none of these people know anything about the business market or about what a business like yours could actually sell for. Seek the advice of a qualified business broker who will know how to price your business the right way – to sell.


They wouldn’t listen. Even though you have put all of your blood, sweat and tears into your business, a buyer is only interested in numbers you can prove. Your business broker will help you use comparable businesses that have already sold, the numbers you have on the books and other pricing qualifiers to help you set your asking price realistically. Pricing only becomes an issue if you as the seller refuse to listen to the advice. A good broker will not let you demand any price you want, they will refuse the listing if you decide that it is your unrealistically high price or “the highway”. Be very wary of a broker who will let you list your business for whatever you demand – you will end up staying on the market indefinitely.


The message here? Seek proper advice and then listen to that advice. Successful business sellers go into the selling process with realistic expectations and with the right help.


Are you a business seller who made the mistake of pricing your business too high? Have you asked for advice on setting the price but got an answer you didn’t agree with? Please feel free to leave us a question or comment here, and we will be happy to help you with finding the right price for your business.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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Honesty About A Sinking Ship: Fix It Or Disclose It

No matter what you’re selling, it becomes exponentially more difficult to sell something that is broken than something in proper working order. It should also go without saying that it is very unethical to try and pretend a broken thing works when trying to sell it to another person.


These basic sales truths hold true in the small business market as well. If your business is a sinking ship that you are trying to escape from – you have only two options. Fix it, or disclose it.


What do we mean by this?


Let’s say your business owes an enormous amount of money to vendors or the IRS. You might think you have to hide ugly debt and pass the buck onto the next owner, but it won’t work. It will absolutely come out during the due diligence process. Your choices here are to pay the debt, or (if paying the debt is impossible) be upfront with prospective buyers about how much money the business owes. You might be surprised that for the right business opportunity buyers may be willing to deal with the debt in order to buy your business. If you try to go the other route and hide the issue, your deal will absolutely fall apart.


What if you have a ton of broken equipment? It might seem silly to spend a ton of money upgrading equipment you aren’t personally going to use, but if you were selling a house you’d probably paint and fix broken fixtures or doors. The same holds true for a business. Think of upgrades before selling as a way to strengthen the price of the business. A buyer isn’t going to pay top dollar for broken stuff, but they might if everything is working and/or new. Don’t take the chance and try to conceal broken equipment – you’d better believe buyers are going to figure it out and come after you.


These are just two examples, but there are many more skeletons that can lurk inside of small businesses. The message here is you absolutely, positively must be honest and upfront about why you are selling and what is wrong in your business. Problems aren’t necessarily the kiss of death for business deals, they are simply just points of negotiation. Hiding problems, on the other hand, will mean your business will never sell.


Are you thinking about selling but are worried about what buyers might find? Do you think the flaws in your business are deal-killers? Would you like to know more about how to turn flaws into negotiation points? Please feel free to leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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Small Business And Immigration: Why Business Owners And Foreign Investors Should Be Paying Attention

Immigration. Walls. Visas. Bans.


The news cycle in the last few months has been awash with immigration upheaval, so much so that many people have started to tune it out.


If you are a business owner, especially one that is considering selling sometime in the near future, you really need to be paying attention to what’s going on in the world of immigration. The negative perception recent immigration changes created may end up having a dramatic effect on your business and your ability to successfully sell.


If you are a foreign investor who is considering a move to the United States, you should also be paying attention because immigration issues and changes could potentially slow down those plans.


Take the two on-hold travel and refugee bans. These bans not only stopped people from the seven and then six Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States, it made a dramatic and symbolic declaration about where America as a whole stands on issues of religious acceptance – whether that was the intention or not. In the wake of the travel ban there was a wave of canceled trips to the United States that affected the tourism industry (and the small businesses that industry supports) in a big way. Many foreign tourists canceled their trips to the U.S. because the bans created a perception that they might be stopped at the border or might face intolerance while here.


The second big piece of news was the new guidelines that will affect the H-1B Visa. While this Visa isn’t typically used by small businesses, the ripple effect of changes to this Visa program are being felt across the small business world. Like the travel ban, scaling back the recruitment of specialized foreign labor, especially in the technology sector, has damaged the perception of the United States as a tolerant place to work.


Visas were also in the news because of the Kushner family and their pitch to Chinese investors about the EB-5 as a pathway to citizenship in the United States.


The EB-5 program is much smaller than it’s more well known H-1B counterpart, and is vastly different in both purpose and requirements – but the reporting on both have cast the entire Visa system in a very negative light. The EB-5 is an investor Visa, meaning those who qualify have the intention of investing a substantial amount (think upwards of $500,000) in a business within the United States that will create jobs for American citizens – and the investor is granted a Visa for themselves and their immediate family (spouses and children) in return. EB-5 Visas are good for the economy in general and have long been used to fund major building projects that would in turn help small businesses in the surrounding areas. Losing or major restriction of the EB-5 would likely cause big problems for new building projects that boost the local small business economy.


Another major Visa program that touches the small business world is the E2 Visa. Like the EB-5, the E2 is an investor Visa – although it requires less capital. The E2 is typically used when foreign entrepreneurs want to buy a small business and use that ownership as a means to immigrate to the United States.


Although the E2 hasn’t caught the attention of the media or the current presidential administration, it would be worth paying attention if your business would help a foreign investor qualify for the E2 (pre-qualifying your business opens your pool of potential buyers to international buyers – a smart move). Changes to the E2 could result in fewer foreign investors coming to the U.S., which would be bad for small business sellers and foreign investors alike.


What’s a business owner to do? If you are considering selling your business, you might want to keep an eye on immigration policy changes, especially if your business is one that would qualify for the E2. If you are a foreign investor, don’t panic. If you’ve been keeping tabs on our immigration news cycle then you know that every potential change to the immigration system has been met swiftly and intensely with legal maneuvering, push-back and protest. The United States is a country made up of immigrant entrepreneurs and the descendants of those immigrant entrepreneurs. Massive change has little chance of long term survival because those changes are proving to be highly unpopular.


Have more questions about the link between small businesses and immigration? Contact us or visit for more.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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Business Buyers Beware: How Your Actions Can Keep You From The Closing Table

Small business sales fall apart for a multitude of reasons.


Any time you are contending with someone’s life’s work and large amounts of money changing hands, there are bound to be challenges. The problems arise when those challenges are more than the deal can take.


As a business buyer, you may find that some reasons for deals coming undone have little to nothing to do with you, like if a seller suddenly decides they’d rather not sell, but there are some issues that have everything to do with your end.


Sure, buying a business is a huge investment, both of time and money, but a ridiculously over-cautious, inflexible and inexperienced buyer can sink a business transaction as fast as an unwilling seller. The key is balance and understanding.


Before you get anywhere near a closing table, you may need to do a fair bit of introspective thinking. Do you really want to buy a business? Sure, owning your own small business is the American dream, but it is not always the easiest way to earn a living. Entrepreneurs can work long and intense hours, so you need to be sure that you are ready for that part of being your own boss. If you have done the requisite self-reflection, now it is time to go looking for the right business for you.


This may seem like a silly thing to point out, but you should choose a business that is going to suit you in terms of expertise and ability as well as one you actually like. Buyers might think they want to move to a completely different industry from where their experience lies, only to find that they are completely overwhelmed by the prospect of essentially starting from scratch in a business they don’t fully understand. An example would be an ill-prepared entrance into the restaurant industry where a former accountant suddenly decides to buy a bar without ever having worked in one. Avoiding this pitfall is easy, pick something that matches your expertise. This is a great time to employ the services of a business broker to help you figure out what businesses would be right for you in terms of how much you are looking to spend, what kind of hours you are willing to work and what would suit your knowledge base.


Once you have found the right business, make a serious offer. Buyers who lowball sellers just to see how steep of a discount they can get will only end up insulting the seller past the point of no return.


Do your due diligence once you have a business that you are serious about buying, but realize there will be limits as far as what will be available to you. For instance, sometimes buyers ask for the same information over and over again, or buyers demand to meet all of the key employees before it is appropriate to do so. All this does is upset the seller. Lean on the expertise of your business broker to ensure you are getting what you need without unnecessarily overstepping your bounds. .


The moral of the story is you will need to be cautious, and you should be when you are making such a big purchase – but also realize that any business is going to come with a fair bit of risk. Don’t let cold feet get in the way of a great business opportunity.


Are you thinking about buying a business but have questions about the process or what business might be right for you? Leave us a comment or question here and we will be happy to assist you.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907



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9040 Town Center Parkway
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202


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