A Lesson From Shark Tank: You’d Better Know Your Numbers

If you’ve seen the show Shark Tank, then you know the typical drill. An entrepreneur knows their concept inside and out, but can’t get an investment from the Sharks because they can’t answer basic financial questions. Guess what? This happens in the small business market too.


If you take a step out of your business seller’s mindset and take a look at what buyers see in the market, you might be shocked.


Most listings for businesses for sale contain sketchy financial information at best, and if they contain any semblance of numbers at all they typically don’t make sense and don’t jive with the price the sellers are asking.



Where do these discrepancies come from?

While in a few cases the discrepancies come from good old fashioned dishonesty, for the most part the lack of consensus in numbers occurs because the seller simply doesn’t know. Small business owners are great at what they do, but in some cases they are not great at accounting or organizing their financial information.

We come across business owners more often than we should who can’t answer questions like “which product or service is the most profitable?” or “what is the cost to acquire a new client?”. If you are considering selling at any time in the near future, then you need to make the effort to get a handle on your financials long before you are being asked to justify a price.

What things should I be looking at?

Profitability of Products or Services

Many business owners who haven’t broken down the numbers may just assume that the most expensive item or service that they offer is the most profitable – but this is probably not the case. By tracking your products and services individually and then comparing them to the breakdown of what it costs you to provide that product or service, you may discover that your bread and butter comes from a low price item or service that you sell more than anything else. If not just for selling your business, this breakdown will also be immensely helpful when deciding where to put your marketing efforts.


Small business owners are famous for paying for expenses out of pocket and never writing it down, or for jamming receipts for expenses in a box under the desk and never looking at them again. When selling your business, you may even think that disguising some of your expenses will make the business look more appealing and more profitable to buyers. This isn’t the case. First of all, there are a few expenses that will get added back before you set a listing price. Second, a business with very low expenses will look suspect to a discerning buyer. Really nailing down your expenses will not only help with selling your business, it will likely allow you to see where your money is going and give you an opportunity to streamline those expenses.

Don’t be a Shark Tank cautionary tale. If you are looking to sell, you need to get your financial ducks in a row, if not for buyers but for your own use to strengthen your numbers, focus your marketing efforts and streamline your expenses. Having a good handle on where your business is and where it needs to be will be instrumental in the negotiation process of your business sale. Strong and organized documentation of all of your financial information will also be very helpful in attracting buyers who are accustomed to the sketchy financials that are typical in the business scene.


Are you thinking about selling but are guilty of shoving receipts in a box? Do you have absolutely no clue what it costs you to aquire a new client and want help getting your ducks in a row before listing your business? Please feel free to leave questions or comments here!




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907




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The End Of 2017 And 2018 Ahead – BizBuySell’s 4th Quarter 2017 Insight Report

BizBuySell’s 4th Quarter 2017 Insight Report shows record highs in the business marketplace, with small business transactions up 27% over the previously record-breaking 2016 numbers. The market has been steadily growing since the recovery for small businesses began in 2013, but 2017 marks a large jump in the number of businesses changing hands.



Why the big jump?


To put it simply, money. Small business revenues are up in most industries, with the economy at large continuing to grow. More businesses are coming on the market, with baby boomer owners choosing to retire and cash out of their businesses while the selling is good. More buyers are also taking the plunge into entrepreneurship with lending options that dried up in the wake of the 2008 recession slowly coming back to life. Added together, today’s market is a boon for business sellers, with many businesses selling for more than they would have two or three years ago – a whopping 14% more.


It’s also a good time for business buyers. They might be paying a premium for businesses, but the businesses they are getting are typically in very good financial shape. The same could not be said post-2008 as the glut of faltering businesses on the market meant you could get a good deal – but you had your work cut out for you.


Will the good times continue?


In the short term, probably. The last quarter of 2017 showed continued growth, with 23% more closed transactions and a 12% increase in median sales price over the same quarter of 2016. Levels that strong will likely continue well into 2018, but those who survived the meltdown of 2008 are beginning to fear another bubble.


The smart move?


If you own a business and were planning on selling in the foreseeable future, now is the time. The market may continue to climb or we may be quickly approaching the peak. There are buyers with money and your business is in the black, so the safest bet is to sell while the selling is good. This is also true if you were considering selling so you could buy a different business. The businesses on the market today are healthy, so a serial entrepreneur would be smart to take the large profit from a sale today and invest in a new opportunity now. The same is true for first time buyers – businesses are healthy and are a great buy.


Want to know what the market looks like for your industry in particular? Do you have questions about when you should sell? Are you thinking about buying a business and want to know what’s currently available? Contact us today.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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How Business Sellers Can Learn From Facebook’s Problems

Mark Zuckerberg has had a rough couple of weeks. The lack of trust in his business practices landed him in the hot seat before Congress, and that’s never a good place to be.


While the leader of a gargantuan company like Facebook might not have much in common with a small business owner who is looking to sell – there is a major lesson that can be learned from the recent Facebook debacle that can help a seller get to a closing table successfully.



The major lesson? Trust and honesty are key.


A business buyer is going to write you a very big check, and for that check they are expecting to get exactly what you told them they were buying.


All small businesses are complex, and as such those businesses have issues – big and small. There is never a perfect business, but it certainly would be easy to sell if it was – so many sellers make the mistake of trying to create an illusion that their business is perfect.


We get it, issues feel like failures and might decrease the amount of money a buyer is willing to give you. Hiding flaws, however, is a big mistake for a couple of reasons. First, if you had been honest and upfront with issues, buyers may have accepted those issues as part of the deal. If the issues come out later, then you’ve lost the trust of those buyers – and your chances of making it to closing will be slim to none.


Think you can hide those skeletons in the closet? Think again. A major part of any small business transaction is due diligence, where a buyer gets to go through every aspect of your business with a fine toothed comb. If there’s a problem, they’re going to find it, so it’s a far better strategy to be open and upfront. Maintaining trust in a business transaction is key simply because it’s a complicated process with a lot of money changing hands.


The same goes for things you might be slightly embarrassed about and so you gloss over them or don’t mention them in discussions and negotiations. You need to clearly communicate what your business is, how it makes it’s money, how it works day-to-day and what any problems might be. Omitting information or choosing to make light of things a buyer really needs to know is both unethical and a deal killer.


Transparency is crucial to your ability to sell. Trying to hide skeletons or not clearly communicating the aspects of your business a future owner needs to know will surely kill your deal – so play it smarter than Facebook and keep your buyer’s trust. 


Are you considering selling your business, but are worried about the skeletons in the closet? Would you like to know what types of issues buyers are usually willing to overlook? Please feel free to leave any questions or comments here.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907



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Selling Your Business? Get With The Times And Get Online

Getting your business ready to sell? You’ve probably been busy assembling your financial records, fixing broken equipment and the like – but have you considered the virtual presence of your business?



Today’s consumers spend more and more time online, and business buyers are no different. They will want to see that your business is embracing the digital age and is primed for growth in the digital marketplace – so is it?


If you’ve got no online presence to speak of or all you’ve got is a poorly maintained business Facebook page – you need to act now.


Any business on the market should have a decent website, and a quick and simple website is fairly easy to do. Services like Squarespace and Wix let you pick an already well-designed template, buy a domain name, insert your own information – and poof, your business is part of the digital age.


It doesn’t need to be complex. The contact information for your business, the location and the hours. A blog where you add updates about the products or services you offer. Menus, lists of products or services offered and their prices. It really is that simple.


Is having a website really that important? Absolutely, yes it is.


When a business buyer looks at a business with no online presence they are going to wonder what else the current owner has let slide. If you haven’t even bothered to tap into the digital marketplace then you haven’t been utilizing every tool at your disposal to help your business grow.


Another digital marketing avenue you should consider is reviews. Anyone considering buying your business is likely going to look you up on review sites, so ask your customers to post reviews about you. Negative reviews should be taken as constructive criticism – no matter how crazy they seem – and you should respond to negative reviews in a calm, positive manner to ask the unhappy reviewer what you could do to fix their issue. This is a good idea on two fronts. One, it will show anyone reading the bad review that you care and tried to remedy the situation and two – you might be able to turn that negative review into a positive one.


If you are selling your business, embrace the digital age. It will show potential buyers that you care about the future and growth of your business and that you have taken the steps to market your business in both the physical and online world.


Are you thinking about selling your business and don’t currently have a website? Would you like to know how to improve your online reviews? Please leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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Own It Forever Or Sell Tomorrow – How Smart Business Owners Get Ahead


If you’ve considered selling your business sometime in the near future it can be tempting to get into a two-weeks-notice frame of mind. Remember when you worked for someone else and turned in your notice? You mentally checked out then and there, right?


Here’s the thing – if you want to get the best return on the investment of time, energy and capital you’ve put into your business over the years you need to act like you are going to own your business forever and like you are going to sell tomorrow.


I’m not going to own my business forever, that’s impossible.


Sure, but if you start every day as a business owner with the mindset that you will always be the owner you will probably make decisions about your business with an eye on long term goals and future growth. You’ll focus on marketing campaigns meant to bring in new customers. You’ll make improvements in your equipment that will improve customer experiences. You’ll make sure the people you hire are there for the long term and are both qualified and willing to learn to do things the way they need to be done. What does this eye on the long term lead to? An improved bottom line. An improved bottom line that will be very appealing to buyers when the time does come to sell and a bottom line that will directly benefit you as an owner while you remain in charge. A win-win.


I’m not ready to sell tomorrow, so why would I act like I am?


Putting yourself in the “I’m going to sell tomorrow” mentality will do a couple of things for you and your business. It will force you to make repairs and conduct regular maintenance and cleaning – things that keep your customer base happy. It will force you to keep your financial records in order – which will make your accounting easier as well as make your records easy to read for buyers down the road. It will also force you to keep an eye on potential for growth – both to improve your bottom line now for your own benefit as well as creating a selling point for potential buyers.


You want to get the best return on everything you’ve put into your business, so keep the two-week-brain on hold. Prepare your business like you’ll be there forever and like you’re selling tomorrow.


Are you considering selling your business because you’re totally burned out? Would you like to know more about how you can maximize the return on your business investment? Ask us! Leave questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907







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Selling Your Business? A Flexible Seller Is A Successful Seller

Selling your business is tough. It’s complicated, it’s stressful – and you have to deal with business buyers who want everything now and to pay you as little as possible. Sometimes it’s not fun.


One part of selling your business that you may not have considered? Flexibility.


What do we mean by that?



When you are the owner of a business, you are used to running the show and having control over the day-to-day. When you sell your business, you have to let other people – like buyers and brokers – into your realm. It can be frustrating, but by having a flexible mentality about the selling process you can get yourself to a closing table.


What do you need to be flexible about?


You are going to have to be flexible about conference call times, meetings and site visits. Site visits particular, because to maintain confidentiality you will need to show your business either before or after business hours when your staff isn’t around.


You are going to need to be flexible on your selling price and on the terms within the purchase contract. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so a flexible attitude in regards to the negotiation process will help you immensely. Your listing price shouldn’t be your rock bottom number, so you should expect initial offers to be lower – in many cases much lower. Just look at any offer, no matter how low, as a jumping off point for negotiations.


You need to be flexible with the due diligence process, which occurs after you accept an initial purchase offer. During due diligence the buyer will be requesting information, lots of information. You will need to produce your tax returns, financial documentation, bank statements, contracts, leases, payroll records – the list goes on. It can be difficult at times to deal with what feels like constant requests and endless lists of questions you feel like you’ve already answered. Patience is key in this part of the process. Try to see due diligence through a buyer’s eyes. They are trying to turn over every stone because they are making a very big purchase and don’t want to be surprised.


You need to be flexible about closing dates and training periods. Any buyer who plans on success will need the previous owner of the business to show them the ropes. Most training periods are two weeks, but it can vary from transaction to transaction and you may end up consulting with the buyer of your business for longer than you think is necessary. It can also be difficult during the training period because the business is no longer yours and decisions are no longer yours to make. Just remember that you are providing for the legacy of your business and that the training period is only temporary.


The key to the successful sale of your business isn’t really your numbers or the pictures your broker takes – it’s you. A flexible and patient attitude will get you to a closing table faster than anything else, so mentally prepare yourself for the journey ahead.


Are you thinking about selling your business and want to know more about the process? Would you like to know more about training periods for buyers? Ask us! Leave questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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Finding The Right Business: 4 Questions To Ask

When you decide that the next step in your career is to buy a business and try your hand at entrepreneurship, there will be many decisions ahead of you. Possibly the most important decision will be what business would be right for you.


Yes, we know. Everyone who’s ever dreamed of owning their own business has a dream business in mind – but focusing on that business alone, without some careful thought, can lead to disaster down the road.


Why? Dreaming about owning a business and actually owning that business are two completely different animals.


Long before you look at listings, you need to ask yourself the following four questions so you can focus your energy on the right business – not a dream business.



1. What would you love to do?

Business ownership is a life-encompassing affair. You are going to work long hours, probably take less vacations and you will be on-call 24/7. The only way to mentally survive such a grueling schedule is to have a real passion for what you do. It has to get you out of bed every morning and push you through late nights. This is where the dream-business can be of some use. Why is it your dream business? If you’ve always dreamed of owning a cafe, but in those daydreams you aren’t making coffee – you’re sitting at a table going over numbers, this can tell you volumes about what kind of business you would actually enjoy (hint, it’s not a cafe).


2. What have you done before?

The learning curve of business ownership is a steep one, mostly because any mistakes can cause a severe change in your bottom line. Many budding entrepreneurs make the mistake of buying a business they know almost nothing about – and are then stuck both learning a brand new industry and learning how to be a business owner at the same time. You need to stick to your knowledge base and the skill set you already have if you want to be successful. Hate what you’ve done for work in the past? If escaping your current industry is the reason you are considering business ownership, then think more broadly about what your skill set includes. If you’ve spent the last decade working as a mechanic for an auto dealership, but you have a gaggle of old cars at home that you love to restore in your spare time – then perhaps an auto restoration business and not a standard garage would be for you.


3. How much money do you have?

Business prices can fall anywhere on the map, but there are some industries and some business sizes that will be off your list for financial reasons right out of the gate. You need to get your capital in line before you start seriously looking at businesses because the amount of money you have to spend will determine what you even get to look at. You also need to be honest with yourself at this stage and realize that a traditional loan is probably not going to happen, and even if seller financing is a possibility you will have to bring a substantial down payment to the table to get a deal done.


4. What would your local market support?

Although an extreme example, you wouldn’t start a water skiing business a hundred miles from the nearest body of water – but you get the idea. Some local markets just won’t support some types of businesses. You need to look at the local business market and do a bit of research on the industry you are considering. Is the industry growing? Have a large number of businesses in that industry gone out of business recently, or are they thriving? If your plan is to buy a business and change it to a different market, is that market already saturated or is there room to grow? Say your plan is to buy any small restaurant and convert it into a homemade donut place, but the town you are considering has ten Dunkin Donuts and five Krispy Kremes. Probably not the best market.


When you’ve asked yourself these questions and have a fair grasp on the answers, your next step would be to have a conversation about the right business for you with an experienced business broker. A good broker has been down this road many times, and can give you great advice on what the local market will support and ideas of businesses that would fit your skills and goals that you may not have considered. They can then show you the businesses currently for sale that would meet your criteria and you can find the business that is right for you.


Are you thinking about buying a business, but after reading this think that your “dream” business may not be right for you? Do you have questions about what industries your current skill set would apply to? Ask us! Feel free to leave us a comment or question here.



Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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3 Reasons Why Buying A Business Is Better Than Starting One

What’s the best path to entrepreneurship?


Most think of the startup in some suburban garage – but is that really the smart way to go? The short answer? Probably not. Buying an existing business, however, is typically the better route to business ownership. Here’s why:


1. Starting a business is a risky and expensive venture.


Startup businesses are tricky. You are testing new waters – with your concept, with your location, with your operating procedures, with a brand-new staff. In the unlikely event that all goes as planned and everything works in your favor, you will still need an enormous amount of capital to lease a new location, renovate that location to suit your needs, equip your location, buy inventory, pay for permitting and licensing – the list goes on. Then you will also need to have enough capital to sustain your business, your staff and yourself for the time frame it takes to start turning a profit, which can be several months or more.


If you buy an existing business, many of the risks and financial challenges of a startup have been removed. With an existing business, you are buying a proven concept, location, operating procedures, a trained staff – and in most cases a training period with the existing owner to get you on your feet. The amount of capital you need might seem substantial, but remember that it would be far more expensive in the long run to find, furnish, equip, stock and run a business with no history of success than to just buy one with that laundry list already complete.


2. There’s no such thing as a “startup business broker”.


One of the best parts of buying an existing business, especially if this is your first foray into business ownership, is you can have expert help along the way. By having an experienced and qualified business broker by your side you have expert advice to guide you through your business search and help you find a business that fits with both your goals and available capital.


Don’t see any businesses on the market that appeal to your entrepreneurial dream? Sometimes buyers have a specific type of business in mind, but the goals they have for business ownership would require that they end up in an entirely different industry. A conversation with a good broker will help you decide if the business you think you want to have is really the business you should have to get the kind of life you are looking for. If you are starting a business, you can seek advice from anywhere and everywhere, but there won’t be anyone to guide you in the same way a broker can if you buy.


3. A business you buy comes with everything you need.


Like we discussed before, starting a business means having to hire and train a brand-new staff, finding then leasing a new location, buying all the equipment and furniture, finding and purchasing inventory, and setting up licenses and permits – if you can even get them. An existing business comes with everything, including in most cases the former owner for a while (for a training period to help you learn the ropes). This will take an enormous amount of pressure off of you as a new business owner, allowing you to focus on learning your new business without all of the additional headaches that a brand new business would require.


If your goals for the future include business ownership, seriously consider buying an existing business instead of starting from scratch.


Have more questions about the differences between buying an existing business and starting one from scratch? Are you curious about what types of businesses could be right for you? Ask us! Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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How Do You Find A Good Business Broker? 2 Questions To Ask

Whether you are a business buyer or a business seller, the best way to navigate the business transaction process is with the help of an experienced and qualified business broker.


How can you tell if the broker you’ve been talking to is experienced and qualified? Let’s start by finding out how a person becomes a business broker in the first place.


To become a business broker, someone first needs to have an interest in helping people buy and sell businesses. Business brokers come from all kinds of backgrounds – they are former entrepreneurs, former finance professionals, former real estate brokers, etc. The experience of business ownership and a background in finance are obviously helpful, but aren’t necessary.

When a business broker first starts out, they must obtain the same license a real estate agent needs (there is not a special license for just business brokers, so they get lumped into the real estate industry). Once they have this license they need to work as a business broker/agent for someone who is a licensed broker (just like a real estate agent works for a real estate broker) for two years and then they are eligible to become a licensed broker on their own.


It is not necessary, however, for a broker to ever get the “broker” license if they continue to work with someone who is already licensed this way. As such, if the business broker you are working with doesn’t have the “broker” license this is not a bad thing. In fact in many instances broker/agents work within business brokerage firms for many years with great success without ever getting a “broker” license.


When you first begin speaking with a business broker, you can ask them about what kind of license they hold, but the answer to this question is not as important as you might initially think.


Lots of people have a real estate license but never actually sell a house – and, unfortunately, lots of people also try to dabble in the business market. We come across realtors, lawyers and even doctors who try to be business brokers “on the side”.


As a buyer or a seller, you want to stay well away from these part time brokers. Buying and selling businesses is a complicated process, and you are going to want someone who actually knows what they are doing helping you through your transaction.


You wouldn’t let your family practitioner perform plastic surgery on you – so don’t let a real estate agent or your dentist try to help you buy or sell a business.


Now that you know how a person becomes a broker, what are the questions you should be asking to find the right one? There’s two that can tell you a lot:


1. How many deals have you closed in the last year?

A broker who regularly closes deals is probably well established and clearly knows what they are doing. They have connections within the industry, they know how to successfully negotiate business transaction contracts and they are able to work with commercial property owners to get their clients a lease.

2. How many clients have referred you to a friend or have used you more than once?

A broker with repeat or referral clientele is someone that others have enjoyed working with. The experience was so positive they would trust that broker with their personal connections. Like a great review of a business, referrals and repeat transactions speak volumes about what your experience with that broker will probably be.


The message here? Ask the right questions and you will quickly find out whether the broker you have been speaking to is the right person to help you with your transaction.


Are you looking for a business broker and have more questions about how to find the right one? Want to ask us about how many deals we have closed or how many referrals/repeat clients we have? Please feel to leave us a comment or question here and we will be happy to get your questions answered.





Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907



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Buying A Florida Business – We’ve Got More Than Beach Bars

Florida is the sunshine state. We’re the home of palm trees, plastic pink flamingos, alligators and white sand beaches. We’re the place where anyone who spent their life in the cold north comes to retire.



We’re also the place where many inspired entrepreneurs dream of coming to buy a beach bar and spend their days absentmindedly running said bar from the comfort of a nearby hammock.


We totally get that dream. It sounds amazing, and it is amazing because it’s completely impossible. For starters, absentmindedly running a business is really just running that business into the ground.


You can, however, still have a piece of that Florida dream without having to buy a tiki bar that plays only Jimmy Buffett music.


You can have the nice weather and a plastic flamingo in your yard by buying a business that will actually help you achieve your goals. Goals like having more free time. Like making more money. Like following a passion. Like getting to spend more time with your family. You can achieve these goals because here in Florida we have far more than white sand and alligators. We have real people who lead real lives.


Do you know what real people need? Real businesses that don’t all sell margaritas. They need grocery stores, daycare centers, car washes, plumbers and roofers. They need pizza places and auto mechanics. They need all the goods and services that any community has to have in order to function – and you can be a business owner who meets those needs.


And you don’t have to start from scratch. At any given time there are a multitude of businesses for sale – businesses that have great numbers and can be your ticket to the life you’ve been dreaming of. Want to see a few? Try our business search here.


What type of Florida business would be right for you? It depends on a few key factors – factors you should discuss with and experienced and qualified broker so they can help you find the right business for you. For instance, what are your goals for business ownership? Do you want to make the most money possible in the shortest amount of time? Are you looking for a specific industry that is your passion? Do you want to have a more flexible schedule than your current job allows so you can spend more time with your kids?


You ultimate goal for business ownership coupled with the amount of working capital you have available and your prior work experience will help you determine what types of businesses might be right for you. You and your business broker can work together to look for businesses that meet your goals – and you might be surprised by what you find.


For instance, if your goal is to spend more time with your kids and you think you want a tiki bar – think again. The restaurant industry has notoriously long hours, especially in the evenings and at night. You might find that a small service company (like a pest control or home-watch business) where you set your own schedule will be far better for your work/life balance.


Talk to a business broker today about your goals and take a peek at what’s currently available. You can have the Florida dream – and the pink flamingo – without buying a bar on the beach.


Have you always wanted to buy a business in Florida and want to know what types of businesses would meet your goals? Would you like to know what industries are doing well in the areas where you’d like to live? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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9040 Town Center Parkway
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202


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