How To Choose A Business You’ll Love

One of the keys to happiness is having the ability to get up every morning and go to a job that you love. If you are looking to become a business owner, then you can’t overlook this pivotal aspect – you need to buy a business you won’t hate.



How do you ensure the business you buy is one you’ll actually love? Spend the time before you actually start searching for a business doing some serious personal reflection.


Things to think about:

  • Where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years?
  • What do you really love to do? What in your employment history has brought you enjoyment? What do friends and family see you doing as your “dream job”?
  • Are there things about your dream business that you would dislike doing? Is this something that you would have to do yourself? Could you bring in a partner or hire someone to do those tasks, enabling you to focus on the parts of the business that are your passion?


Once you’ve considered these thoughts, have a conversation with an experienced and qualified business broker about your goals for business ownership. Are you looking for a passion project? Do you want more flexibility in your schedule? Are you looking for a business with a lot of room for growth?


When you have solidified your goals you and your business broker will work together to find businesses that fit you and the amount of capital you have available.


A caveat here; don’t assume that loving your business means that running it will be easy.  Everyone who owns a business works really hard, it’s all about enjoying what you do. This is why determining your goals is such a critical step.


If you haven’t taken the time to consider your goals and the things about business ownership that will mean real happiness, you run the risk of being lured into a great deal on a business that might not be right for you in the end.


Are you thinking about buying a business and have questions about what industries would match with your goals? Do you want to know what businesses are currently available that would work for you? Ask us! Feel free to leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot





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Buying Businesses: Why You Shouldn’t Sign A Million NDAs

A million NDAs? Yes, that’s a profound exaggeration. It would be nearly impossible and ridiculous to sign a million of anything. The point we’re trying to make is your approach to buying a business will greatly impact your ability to get to a closing table.




The NDA (non-disclosure agreement) is a document you sign before the name, location and any sensitive information about a business for sale can be revealed to you. It is a critical step in the business buying process, so if you’re in the market to buy a business – you’ll be signing NDAs.



What you shouldn’t do is sign a ton of them. Why? It’s an enormous waste of you time and energy.


The NDA should only be signed after you have completed a few other steps. First and foremost you need to figure out your goals for business ownership (a more flexible schedule or greater income potential, for example) and then decide how much money you have to invest in your new venture. The second step would be to have a conversation with an experienced and qualified business broker about your goals, the industries where you have interest/practical experience and your available capital. Your broker should then find you some cursory listings to review. If any of those listings look promising, then and only then would you sign the NDA for that particular listing.


If a business broker is doing their job the only people who are allowed to sign the NDA are people who would not only be a successful buyer of the business (they have enough capital) but also a successful owner of the business (they have the practical experience and passion to keep the business in the red). It serves absolutely no one to randomly send NDAs to people who can’t successfully buy and run that business. All it does is put the business at risk for disclosure of the for-sale status to the wrong person (read why that is bad here).


There are brokers out there who will automatically send NDAs to anyone who shoots them an email, no questions asked – so as a buyer it’s possible to ask for, receive and sign a ton of NDAs. The issue is those NDAs are likely for businesses that you either would be unable to buy or wouldn’t suit the life you’d like to have – so why waste your time?


Talk to the right broker – someone who asks you questions and helps you narrow down business listings. Then sign.


Are you interested in buying a business and have questions about the NDA? Have you signed a ton of NDAs without much success and are looking to try a different approach? Talk to us! Feel free to leave any comments or questions and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot


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Red Tape For Business Buyers: A Guide

You know how everyone always jokes about what a nightmare bureaucracy can be? If you are buying a business, prepare yourself – you are going to have your fair share of red tape. All of it will need to be completed in the correct order and to the correct level of repetition before you can operate your business.



It can be frustrating and might (at times) feel impossible, but every operating business has made it to the end of this process. Consider it an annoying right of passage. 


This is a part of the business transaction process where your business broker can be worth their weight in gold. A good broker will have someone who can help you with any and all red tape, or they will be able to help you themselves. Some business buyers choose to have their broker (or a specialized contractor) do all of the licensing, others are able to get it completed with just a few suggestions. How you handle this part of buying your business is up to you.


Want some pointers? Here’s a sample of our best advice, derived from many trips down bureaucracy lane:



Many red tape items are contingent on one agency completing or signing off before another can even begin, so start early and stay on top of it. You can’t get all of your licensing and permitting done the day of (or even the day before) closing. 


Gather All Of The Documents Before You Start:

First you will want to try to get together the list of everything your broker and the seller think you will need. Ask the seller for copies of the licenses and permits they hold, as you will need their license and permit numbers to fill out your own.


Go online and print out every application you think you might need, even if you are going to be submitting them online. A printed version will allow you to collect all of the needed numbers/addresses/names/titles/etc. so you don’t end up timed out of the online application process (they pretty much all have a time limit and then they force you to start over).


Once you have assembled your pile of seller information and printed applications keep all of it together and take it everywhere you go. Many applications require signatures from multiple government agencies or departments.


Naming And The IRS:

The very first step is the naming process, even if you are buying an existing business and keeping the business name the same. Why? Your business will technically have two names, the DBA or “Doing Business As” (also called the Fictitious Name) and the legal name which can literally be “Anything You Want, LLC”. You will need to file your DBA with the Division of Corporations in your state, and the legal name will need to be filed through your attorney or an online legal service like LegalZoom. You will also need to get a Federal Employer Identification Number (also called a FEIN or an EIN) from the IRS.


Operational Licenses:

If the seller currently holds a license needed for the operation of the business, like a liquor license, then instead of starting from scratch you will be using applications for transferring that license. A word to the wise here – don’t rely solely on the information you find online about what is required to get the licenses issued or transferred. Get someone – a real, live person on the phone. Better yet, find the local office (instead of the statewide call center), and get a local agent on the phone. The local agents are the ones who will be processing and issuing your license, so they are the ones you need to keep happy. Another caveat? Be really patient with this part of the process. You can call the same call center three different times and get three completely different answers to a single question


Local Licenses:

You will also need to get yourself a Certificate of Use and your local Business Tax Receipt or BTR (also called the Occupational License). The Certificate of Use gets issued after your building and fire inspections, your BTR after your Certificate of Use goes through. If you are buying an existing business, you may not need an inspection if the business has had one recently, but you will need to call and check. Again, get a living person on the phone to discuss the requirements and process and you will be far better off than trying to divine what you need from a cryptic government website.



Did we forget to mention that pretty much all licensing and permitting applications come with a fee? Yes, they all do. While rarely astronomical in price, the costs will be completely dependent on what applications you are filling out, what inspections you need, etc. Be ready with your credit card or checkbook when you start the process.


It Can Be Done, Really.

This is one of the parts of being your own boss that is not very fun, but with a good dose of patience and a bit of organization it will all fall into place. Most of the real, live people you will get on the phone are very helpful, and remember that your broker is always there as well.


Are you thinking about buying a business, or do you already have a business in mind and are wondering about what kinds of licenses or permits you will need? Are you having trouble finding the agencies you need to get your applications going? Ask us! Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here, and we will be happy to help you with navigating the red tape.




Michael Monnot


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Business Sellers – Is Your Broker Protecting Your Business? They Should


If you are considering selling your business you don’t just need help, you need the right help.


You risk way more than you should by sticking a for-sale sign in the window. The powerful misconception that any business for sale is a business on the brink of failure can mean devastating consequences if your for-sale status is revealed. You entire staff can panic and quit. Clients can cancel contracts. Your competition can see a potential sale as a weakness to be exploited. It’s all bad.


How do you get the word out about selling your business without exposing yourself to the downfalls of everyone knowing it’s for sale? An experienced and qualified business broker.


A good broker acts as a shield and a buffer. They keep the for-sale status of your business a closely guarded secret while also marketing your business to potential buyers. They verify every person is who they say they are before they are allowed any access.


How? They actually talk to every potential buyer.


They get real legal names and true physical addresses – then they look people up. They ensure the proper nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) are signed and that everyone understand the rules. They make sure the people who are looking at your business can actually afford it so no one’s time is wasted. They act as a communication buffer between you and a buyer so the deal can stay on track. 


It should go without saying that keeping potentially damaging information out of the wrong hands is extremely important.


Guess what? Not all business brokers do the job the way they should.


There are brokers who essentially robo-send NDAs to anyone who shoots them an email, no questions asked. They never actually speak with buyers, never verify identities or ask about available funds to by a business. These brokers don’t care about your business. They are just using your business to generate calls and emails from any and all buyers – without caring if those buyers are someone who should know about your for-sale status or listing details. 


Avoid these brokers by asking questions – lots of questions – before you list your business. How will this broker ensure confidentiality? Do they require buyers to identify who they are before information is disclosed? Do they actually talk to every buyer before sending them the details of your business? They should. 


Are you considering selling your business and want to know what measures we use to protect the confidentiality of your business and transaction? Would you like to know more about the questions we ask potential buyers? Ask us! Please leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot



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Does Your Broker Care About Qualified And Informed Buyers? They Should

The process of buying and selling businesses can be a bit frustrating. There are rules and procedures in place that ensure the for-sale status and proprietary information of a business on the market only ends up in the hands of the people it should. Those rules and procedures rely on vetting potential buyers and then having buyers who are qualified sign the appropriate nondisclosure agreements (NDAs).



Here’s how it typically should look. A buyer calls a business broker and has a conversation about their goals for business ownership, the capital they have ready to invest and their past experience. The broker then uses that information to put together a few listings that look like they might match. If a listing or two catches the buyer’s eye, they sign the NDA for that business in order to find out more (like the location, basic financials, etc.). If they like what they see, they will then coordinate a conference call or face to face meeting with the business seller to ask questions. After a few of these meetings/calls a site visit might be scheduled before or after hours when the staff and customers won’t be around. If a buyer is interested they can submit a purchase offer and negotiations can begin.


Notice something? The sale of a business is complicated, requires a lot of steps and a lot of time. If the brokers involved are doing their job the buyers who enter this complex and time consuming process are both aware of what they’re looking for and actually able to buy the business in the end.


Here’s what you don’t want. A broker who will send you dozens of NDAs to sign without ever speaking to you, meaning you end up wasting your time looking at businesses that would never meet your goals. A broker who will bring a parade buyers through your business for site visits that could never afford to actually buy your business. A broker who will entertain the whims of a buyer who doesn’t have the practical experience necessary to qualify for a SBA loan or that your commercial landlord would immediately reject.


A broker who asks the right questions keeps a deal on track and keeps from wasting everyone’s time. You want a broker who actually talks to buyers. You want to be (if you’re a buyer) and want to work with (if you’re a seller) a buyer who understands the process, knows what businesses will actually fit with their goals and has the money necessary to get a deal to closing. 


The message here is you need to ask any broker you work with questions and you need to keep an eye out for red flags. If you’re a buyer a broker should be asking you LOTS of questions before they send you any NDA. If you’re a seller your broker should only be bringing you buyers who are qualified and would be successful future owners of your business. 


Are you looking at businesses to buy and haven’t had a broker yet who asked you a single question? Are you considering selling your business and want to know what type of buyer would be a good for your business? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot




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What An Earn-Out Is And Why It’s Probably Not For You

When you’re in the business-for-sale market, it can take some creative deal making to put together an agreement that makes everyone involved happy – and sometimes that creative deal making involves an earn-out.



What is an earn-out?


This type of arrangement is typical when the value of a business to a seller is much higher than the value to a buyer, usually because of expected future earnings. Here’s an example:


A small boutique clothing manufacturer has recently secured a major contract with a very large retailer, a contract that will significantly raise the value of the business over the course of the next few years. The seller of the business, who has worked long and hard to secure this deal, wants to be paid for the future value of the business. A buyer, on the other hand, only wants to pay for what the business is currently worth – not including any potential future earnings.


One way to bridge this massive valuation gap is the earn-out.


How does it work?


A buyer pays the seller an initial amount, then (as in our above example) as the boutique manufacturer reaches certain milestones with the new large retail contract, the seller gets paid for those milestones. In an earn-out the valuation gap is bridged by paying for the future earnings as they happen instead of paying for the promise that they might.


Is an earn-out for me?


Not likely. As you can see from the above example, an earn out requires a very specific set of circumstances. Most business deals involve seller financing or loans from the SBA (Small Business Administration) instead.


How do I find out if an earn-out would be appropriate for a business I’m selling or considering buying?


Ask your business broker. Any experienced and qualified business broker will be able to advise you on the right type of deal for your business or for any business you are considering.


Have more questions about creative deals? Want to know if an earn-out is for you? Ask us! Please feel free to leave us a comment or question and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot




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Is My Business Broker A “Good” One? What You Shouldn’t Pay For

Like any industry, there are good business brokers and there are those who should find another way to make a living. Determining if the broker you’ve chosen falls into the “good” category might seem tough, but one way you can decide is by looking at the things your broker is willing to do without you having to pay extra for that service.



Most brokers earn a commission at closing, and the amount is based on a percentage of the sale price. If you are a seller, this percentage will be negotiated at the time of listing and will be a part of the listing agreement.


Beware the broker who will forgo the listing agreement or who will drastically cut their commission percentage just to get your listing. A great broker will stand firm of their typical percentage because they know how much work they are putting into selling your business. A desperate broker who can’t get and keep regular business will be willing to do anything to get you to sign on the bottom line. Also beware of a broker who charges extra fees for something as basic as your marketing package or advertising costs. These basic elements necessary to sell your business come out of the commission your broker makes at the time of the sale, not before.


For buyers, your broker gets a chunk of the money you pay for the business, so technically you are paying them even though you don’t have an agreement. Beware the broker who forces you to pay up front for their services. This shows a lack of confidence in their ability to find you a business and get you all the way through to closing. A great broker is not going to demand a retainer, nor are they going to charge you extra for help with the things every buyer needs – like basic assistance with licensing. If you are getting billed for basic services, then you probably need a different broker.


The key here is to watch for those brokers who put the amount of money they make in front of the reason they do what they do for a living. A great broker likes their job. They like helping the small business community grow, and they live for the chase and the thrill of negotiations. They don’t live to nickel and dime their clients. They get the vast majority of their listings through the referrals by former clients and members of their local small business community. They go to bat for their clients and are willing to help.


If the things we’ve named for a great broker don’t sound anything like the broker you are currently working with – it might be time for a change. When you initially interview brokers – ask about their referral rate, what kinds of fees they charge (there shouldn’t be any besides the commission) and what kind of percentage they take for commissions. The answers to these questions will speak volumes about the motivations of your broker and give you a good idea of where they fall on the great vs. not-so-great broker divide.


Have you had a not-so-great broker experience? Do you have questions about our referral rates and typical commission percentages? Ask us! Leave a comment or question, and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot




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Why A Business You Can Successfully Run Is More Important Than A Business You “Want”

If you are new to the world of buying a business, or even if you’re a seasoned entrepreneurial veteran, one of the first decisions you will need to make is what type of business you want to buy.


Notice that we used the word “want” here. Many budding entrepreneurs have a dream business in their minds, but that dream business might be in an industry that would mean a slim chance of success.


What do we mean by that? We’ll use the classic bar example.



An accountant always dreamed of owning their own bar – but since this accountant has never worked so much as a day in the restaurant industry, buying that bar would be a gigantic mistake. Anyone who has work history knows that each industry and each business require their own unique set of skills in order to be successful. Making such a big change without the practical knowledge of what’s ahead can only lead to massive issues.


Drastically changing industries without understanding what you’re in for can be very problematic. An accountant is probably used to working the typical 9 to 5, Monday through Friday gig – so they might have big problems switching to the long hours and long nights required to operate a bar. There are many nuances in each industry. If you don’t have the experience to understand those nuances (like the long hours example) you are setting yourself up for failure.


Another big roadblock for new buyers trying to enter an industry with no experience comes from the c0ommercial landlord. If you have zero restaurant experience, then a commercial landlord/property manager is not going to rent you a space where a working restaurant is bringing them revenue. If the restaurant fails due to your lack of experience, they won’t get any rent. You will have to prove to any landlord that you have the practical knowledge necessary to sustain the business.


But I want to buy my own business because I want to get out of a rut and try something new!


This motivation for purchasing a business is fine, you just need to focus your search on businesses where you have some chance of success. No one wants to buy a business just to drive it into the ground.


But I’ve only ever had just one career!


Practical experience doesn’t necessarily have to come from previous jobs. If you are an accountant who has spent the last 20 years taking art classes and volunteering to help with gallery openings in your spare time, then purchasing an art gallery wouldn’t necessarily be a bad idea.


The point here is to have a serious talk with your business broker about what industries will/won’t work for your both your practical experience and goals – and then listen to their advice. If they tell you buying a bar is a terrible idea, then it probably is.


Your broker wants you to be successful because they hope you will use them again when the time comes to sell, and because a very large part of a good broker’s business comes from referrals from happy clients. You will not be a happy client if your broker doesn’t help you find a business that you can’t maintain.


Think about what you are passionate about, what your goals are and also what types of practical experience you would bring to the table. Then find businesses that fit that mold, and you will be well on your way to entrepreneurial success.

Do you have an “I bought a business I knew nothing about.” horror story? Do you have questions about what industries would be right for you? Share your stories and questions here, and we would be happy to help you find the right business.




Michael Monnot


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Honesty Vs. Telling You What You Want To Hear – Selling Your Business With A Broker


If you really tried to add up all the hours you’ve put in, every penny you’ve spent, all the stress you’ve endured – it would probably mean your business is worth an absolutely insane amount of money. It would be great, right?


In reality your business is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, so pricing your business correctly when you list is extremely important. Price it too low and you’re leaving money on the table. Price it too high and buyers probably won’t attempt to make an offer. You need to be in that sweet spot where you’re price reflects the actual cash flow of the business but isn’t delusional.


How do you figure out the sweet spot for your listing price? Talk to an experienced and qualified business broker. They’ll help you consider cash flow, your equipment and inventory, upcoming contracts, debts the business holds, your commercial lease, what comparable businesses have recently sold for, etc. and guide you to a listing price that gives you your best chance for the highest return on your investment.


Here’s the most important point. If you’ve chosen the right broker their goal is to help you sell your business successfully. The only way that’s going to happen is if the listing price is right. If you’ve got a broker who will let you list for whatever you want – that’s a problem.


Letting a client list their business for whatever they want is a way for some brokers to get listings – listings they know won’t sell. Why would they do this? Any listings they have will generate calls from buyers, so when a buyer inquires about your substantially overpriced listing that broker will use the opportunity to steer your potential buyer to another of their listings they can actually sell. Your business languishes on the market indefinitely and you don’t see the benefit of the listing – the broker does.


How do you keep this form happening to you? Hire a broker who tells you the truth. You might not like what you hear, but a broker who actually wants to sell your business isn’t going to let you list for an astronomical price. They’re going to help you hit that sweet spot – even if it’s less than you would ideally want. A good broker bases their listing prices in reality, not with the goal of getting the listing at any cost.


Ask lots of questions in your initial conversations with brokers. If you’re requesting a specific listing price and they don’t agree, ask why. If they are willing to let you choose any number you want – remember in that scenario you aren’t the one who benefits.


Have you tried to sell your business without any luck and now think it was because you listed it for the wrong price? Do you want to know what businesses like yours have recently sold for? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot




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When You Can’t Make The Rent – Why Business Owners Need An Exit Strategy

It happens. You own a small business and something gets in the way. A recession. A pandemic. A family emergency. Whatever the root of your business woes – it sometimes gets to a point where your only choice is to lock the doors and walk away.


It doesn’t have to get there. If you plan ahead you can sell your business and get a return on all of the investment you’ve made long before you have to make any fatal moves.



A big, big caveat here. It takes time to sell a business, even one deeply discounted out of desperation. Most buyers aren’t going to want a train wreck – so if you foresee a struggle approaching it’s better to cash out before the situation becomes unfixable. If you’re feeling nervous about the future of your business talk to an experienced and qualified business broker now. Tell them what’s happening and ask if it’s time to list or if your exit strategy can wait a bit longer.


If your heart isn’t in it anymore, if your personal life needs way more of your attention than you can successfully give while still maintaining your business, if the metrics are telling you that you are no longer making enough for the business to sustain itself – it’s time to have that serious conversation. No one wants to admit defeat, but it’s better to admit defeat before there’s nothing left. 


Selling your business or walking away doesn’t mean your life as an entrepreneur is over. It just means this path isn’t the right one at the moment. You can take the proceeds from your sale and invest in a different business or you can take some time to deal with whatever issues forced you to leave. There are very few successful business owners who got it 100% right the first time out of the gate, so be realistic with yourself and don’t give up on your goals because this time something got in the way.


If you are past the point of no return and are left with just liquidating assets, you probably need to do that before the landlord takes over. Read your lease carefully to see where the line in the sand is – where the landlord has the right to lock you out. Once that happens anything inside that business now belongs to them.


The message here is failure happens, but failure doesn’t have to cost you more than it should. You can get back a return and move on to something else.


Are you a struggling business owner who isn’t sure if it’s time to pull the plug? Have you owned a business you should have sold and have an experience to share? Leave any questions or comments here, or feel free to contact us if you feel like it’s time for that serious conversation – we’re here to help.




Michael Monnot


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Michael Monnot


9040 Town Center Parkway
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202


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