
Why Do You Need That? Why Business Buyers Have To Provide Financial Statements

Talking about how much money you have is well, uncomfortable. It would be profoundly odd to approach someone at a party and ask how much cash is in their checking account. It’s considered extremely private information, and as such it’s not something most people want to be forthcoming about.     This natural

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The Power Of Preparation: Why A Comprehensive List Of Questions Is Better

  When you’re in the process of buying a business, you’re going to have questions – lots of them. It might be tempting to ask each question individually and as they come to you, but the best approach (and the true power) lies in preparation – in assembling comprehensive lists of

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Practical Experience: Why Buying A Business In An Industry You Know Matters

In the world of entrepreneurship, the decision to buy a business is a significant step that demands careful consideration. While the allure of diving into a new industry might seem like a good idea, there’s a compelling argument for purchasing a business within an industry where you already have practical

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