
Why Florida Business Buyers Should Research (Not Freak Out About) Hurricane Risks

If you’ve considered moving to Florida and buying a business, then the news cycle during the hurricane season might have you considering somewhere more inland. And north. And away from the ocean.   Don’t let it.   Natural disasters happen everywhere – the up side to a hurricane (as opposed to a tornado or

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Why You Need To Think Of The Closing Table As A POSSIBLE Miracle

Business deals are really, really tough. A large amount of money is changing hands. Many people are involved. Schedules are fluid and frequently changing. Personalities clash. Someone is giving up their blood, sweat and tears to a complete stranger. Another person is buying themselves a job from a person they

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What Type Of Business Owner Do You Want To Be?

Someone who wants to buy a business needs to consider many things, like what industry they want to be in and what they can realistically afford. What many prospective business buyers miss, however, is a more basic question.   What type of business owner do you want to be?   Why does this question

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