If you've always wanted to buy your own business, it might seem like a lofty task and you might not be sure where to start. Here's how:The second step is to call an experienced and qualified business broker.(If you’re looking for Step 1 first, click here!) What is a business broker? In the
Read MoreIf you've always wanted to buy your own business, it might seem like a lofty task and you might not be sure where to start. Here's how:The first step is a thought exercise. It might seem like a strange place to start, but you need to go into the process with clear
Read MoreDo you take a vacation by randomly driving to the airport with no luggage, walking in and buying a random ticket to a random place? No, you plan a trip by doing just that – planning. This random vacation example might seem absurd, but when it comes to business ownership lack
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