We all know that the economy has made an impressive turn for the better in recent years, but if you are trying to decide when the best time would be to sell your business, there are some indicators that we might be reaching (or already have reached) the peak. What are
Read MoreBy Guest Contributor Gregory A. May, Esq. – www.kieselandmay.com Many times closely held corporations commence with a great idea and a trusting partnership. Over the years, shareholders may be replaced, partners alter their roles, and some businesses simply fail due to unforeseen circumstances. These situations can give rise arguments as to how
Read MoreIf you are thinking about selling your business, then we probably don’t need to tell you that keeping the fact that your business is for sale under wraps is incredibly important. We call this hush-hush practice in the business market confidentiality, and for many business sellers keeping your sale a
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