

Business Sellers – Have We Reached The Peak?

We all know that the economy has made an impressive turn for the better in recent years, but if you are trying to decide when the best time would be to sell your business, there are some indicators that we might be reaching (or already have reached) the peak.


Climbing a mountain


What are the indicators?

  •  The multiples in business sales are extremely high, sometimes three times earnings. The multiples are often so high that buyers are beginning to question the pricing of businesses for sale.
  •  The euro is close in value to the dollar, so foreign investors will be less likely to buy U.S. based businesses.
  •  The current seller’s market is poised to shift very heavily to a buyer’s market as a wave of baby-boomer business owners make the move to retirement.


What should you do about these indicators if you are considering selling your business? Sell while the selling is good! Waiting for a better market is probably a mistake, as the market is unlikely to grow any more than it already has. Contact us today to get your business sold while we’re at the peak!



Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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