
Why Would Anyone Sell A Perfectly Good Business?

  If you are someone who is interested in buying a business, you are looking for a profitable business that has a good share of the market and a great location. You are not going to be willing to buy a business that is on the fast track to failure and

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Buyer Patience: Why Instant Gratification Is Impossible In The Business-For-Sale World

We live in an amazing time. You can order something from your phone and have it almost immediately. If you have any question about anything in the world, the answer is at your fingertips. The sheer speed at which life can happen has turned us into people who are not

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What Is Due Diligence? A Business Buyer’s Guide

You’ve found a business you like and you’re ready to take the next step – but before you start handing anyone your hard-earned money you want a good look behind the scenes and a thorough look at the books. It’s time for due diligence.     What is due diligence? For business buyers, due

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