
Yearly, Not Monthly: Understanding The Fluctuations Of A Seasonal Business

Southwest Florida (and all of Florida for that matter) is a very seasonal place. Starting in October our population swells with retirees and vacationers from northern climates where the weather has just turned cold. This is great news for our local economy as businesses are packed, wait times at restaurants

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Why Are Sellers So Difficult? Understanding The Other Side

If you have just entered the business market, you may have noticed that sellers are not falling all over themselves to court you and sell you on buying their business. Considering how much money you are about to spend, you may feel like sellers should be doing more to entice

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BIG Changes Are A BIG Mistake: Why Smaller Is Better For Your New Business

We see this one all the time. A buyer walks into a functioning (and profitable) business and decides that they want to make changes – big changes.     They bought this business because it had some potential for growth coupled with a fairly successful track record. They gut the infrastructure, they completely

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