
Video: Better Sales With Positive Self-Talk

By Guest Contributor Ron Frost –       It’s amazing how our thoughts, beliefs and self-talk can affect our client interactions and ultimately our sales process. Confident successful salespeople already seem to display this positive self-talk, whereas those who consistently under achieve have a more dominate inner voice that is uttering words

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SALES TAX LIABILITY – What’s A Buyer Assuming?

By Guest Contributor Gregory A. May, Esq. – Do you know of any business owners willing to subject themselves to a full audit by the Florida Department of Revenue? Or better yet, do you know of any buyers willing to accept the unknown risk of a seller’s prior sales tax

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SEO: Why It Matters For Business Buyers And Business Sellers

You’ve probably heard the term SEO, and you probably know that it has something to do with the internet and websites – but if that is as far as your knowledge goes, then you are in serious need of a crash course.   SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an incredibly important tool

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