

SEO: Why It Matters For Business Buyers And Business Sellers

Confused computer engineer looking at camera with laptop

You’ve probably heard the term SEO, and you probably know that it has something to do with the internet and websites – but if that is as far as your knowledge goes, then you are in serious need of a crash course.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an incredibly important tool in the world of business. We are in a digital and technology driven age, and businesses who embrace the tech wave and use tools like SEO to their advantage will quickly surpass the competition who doesn’t.


Want the quick and dirty version of what SEO is and what it can do for your business? Check out the next three links.


This article from Forbes is a good first introduction to the basics of SEO.


This next article gives great pointers on making the most of SEO for your website and your business.


The first on the list from this last article, “Become an SEO Expert” can be accomplished with this next link. This takes you to the Moz “Beginners Guide To SEO”. This is an extensive explanation of what SEO is and what it can do for your presence on the web. There are lots of places to find this information, but the reason why we love this one is unlike the majority of SEO information out there – Moz writes this guide in non-techie speak that anyone can understand.


Now that you know a bit more about SEO, do you want to know why SEO is important to you?


If you are selling your business, then you might feel like all this tech stuff should be the next owner’s problem and not yours. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A business with a good online presence in the form of a great website is going to be worth far more to a buyer than a business who has nothing more than a rarely-utilized business Facebook page.


If you don’t have a website yet, today is as as good a day as any to get one. There are lots of places to build your own site, and many of them are free or a minimal charge if you want to remove ads from your site. Long gone are the days when you needed to know how to write code to build a site. Templates and drag-and-drop editors make it easier than ever to create an online presence.


If you are  a business buyer, then SEO will be important on two fronts. First, when looking at businesses, you should examine their current online presence and then evaluate changes you could implement right away to build an online presence if the business is lacking in some way.


Second, you can use SEO to your advantage when you take over the business to grow your online marketing presence and find new customers.


If you don’t know much about SEO – now is the time to learn! It will help sellers increase the value of their business and allow buyers to grow their new customer base.


Do you have questions about how an online presence can help your business sell? Would you like to know more about taking your new business to the next level by utilizing SEO? Please feel free to leave us a comment or question here and we would be happy to help.


Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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