
What A Seattle Seahawk Can Teach Business Sellers – You Really Need A Business Broker   Seattle Seahawk Kam Chancellor was in the market for a gym, so he popped by a local gym to have a look. His visit spooked the gym’s employees so much they called the police, leading to a media hoopla.   If you are considering selling your business, then you should know that

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Why Business Sellers Need To Run Their Business Like They’re Going To Live Forever And Sell Tomorrow

It is an unpleasant reality that some of the business sellers we meet are coming to the business market because they have been forced to sell, and sell now. When circumstances force a sale – like a sudden illness, a family emergency or a personal issue like a divorce –

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Hiring Winners

By Guest Contributor Jessica Trippler –     When I discuss employee performance with business owners and managers, they often times have very similar concerns and questions;   I have one sales person that isn’t selling as much as the others, I don’t understand why. I hired a great person as a technician, why is their

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