

Hiring Winners

By Guest Contributor Jessica Trippler –


Cross the line


When I discuss employee performance with business owners and managers, they often times have very similar concerns and questions;


  • I have one sales person that isn’t selling as much as the others, I don’t understand why.
  • I hired a great person as a technician, why is their performance is lacking?
  • I hired someone with lots of experience but why they aren’t doing the job I need done?


These are all very good questions and valid concerns that all businesses struggle with at some point. They all want employees that perform a job to their standards. They want to save on the costs associated with employee turnovers and the time and energy it takes to do the hiring and training.


Ultimately, they want their employees to service their customers, every time, the way they would.


I believe the real question becomes “Did you hire the right person for the right job?”


Resumes and interviews are the most common tools used in the hiring process. But are they enough? Just because someone has experience in a certain industry or does well on an interview because we approve of their responses to our questions; it is not enough information to determine how someone is going to perform a particular job.


Did you know that only 20% of employees studied over a 16-year period were in a job that “fit” with their talents? It is important to recognize that different jobs require a different set of behaviors and values than other jobs. For example, the behaviors and values required to perform an accounting job are much different than the behaviors and values needed to perform a sales job. When looking to hire an accountant, you may search for someone who has experience, extensive attention to detail and someone who enjoys working with numbers. When hiring a sales person, you may search for someone who has an “outgoing” personality and a “can do” attitude. So how do we find the right person for the right job?


To answer this question, my business partner, Mark Welker, and I, use a process called Hiring Winners. This process begins with determining the behaviors and values needed to produce the key results for a certain job. Then, we assess the candidate for the job using a Disc and Motivators Assessment. This profile assessment is so important because helps to determine if that person’s behaviors and values match the jobs’ requirements. If we feel the applicant and the job may be a match, we can then move onto the next step which is our Hiring Winners Interview Process. This process includes twelve categories of hand selected questions used to further access how the person will perform the job. We have experienced a much higher employee retention rate, employee and employer satisfaction, and a higher productivity rate with all of the businesses we work with, since implementing our Hiring Winners process. It has become our proven method for hiring the right person for the right job, the first time and every time.


Please request a complimentary DISC and Motivators Assessment at



Jessica TripplerBusiness Perfomance Insights


Business Performance Insights
4575 Via Royale
Suite 218
Ft. Myers, FL 33919


Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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