
Does Your Broker Care About Qualified And Informed Buyers? They Should

The process of buying and selling businesses can be a bit frustrating. There are rules and procedures in place that ensure the for-sale status and proprietary information of a business on the market only ends up in the hands of the people it should. Those rules and procedures rely on

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Is My Business Broker A “Good” One? What You Shouldn’t Pay For

Like any industry, there are good business brokers and there are those who should find another way to make a living. Determining if the broker you’ve chosen falls into the “good” category might seem tough, but one way you can decide is by looking at the things your broker is

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The One Broker Approach: Why Having Your Own Broker Is Key To A Successful Business Purchase

  We’ll start this one by saying as a caveat that if you end up with a dreadful broker who never returns your phone calls, doesn’t show up to scheduled meetings on a regular basis and is all around just bad – by all means, find a new broker.   Caveat aside, many

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