When we chat with people and they find out what we do, the conversation usually goes something like this, “I would love to own my own business, but…(insert excuse here)” Sure, there are a myriad of reasons why going it alone and owning your own business may seem like a foolhardy venture,
Read MoreAs business brokers this has to be one of the most frustrating aspects of the job. You have a motivated buyer who is very interested in a particular business and a decent offer is on the table. You request that the seller send over the information required for due diligence, like
Read More2020 was a strange year. A pandemic, a contentious election, protests and the like. If you were contemplating the leap to business ownership, are recent events causing you reconsider your jump? Should you wait until things settle down to buy a business? Nope. Here’s why. There is no such thing as the
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