
Why Buying A Bar Can Be A Good Or A Bad Idea

A smart, capable guy who has never worked a single, solitary second in the restaurant industry buys himself a bar – and within six months he’s out of business. How does that happen?      We like to use the classic bar example because it illustrates a really crucial point that all business

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Why You Can’t Offer Less Because You Don’t Like Something

Think about buying a house. You assume going in that the house is priced based on comps and the current market. As you walk in you see that the current owners painted the kitchen a color you hate, and you aren’t a big fan of the style of cabinetry in

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Why Do You Need That? Why Business Buyers Have To Provide Financial Statements

Talking about how much money you have is well, uncomfortable. It would be profoundly odd to approach someone at a party and ask how much cash is in their checking account. It’s considered extremely private information, and as such it’s not something most people want to be forthcoming about.     This natural

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