
Buying A Business? How To Make The Tough Decisions

There are a litany of decisions in any business transaction. Some are small. Some are huge. If you’re going to successfully navigate the process and end up at a closing table you’re going to have to be able to make these decisions – without second guessing yourself to the point

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Your Social Media Persona – Why Business Buyers Need To Google Themselves

You’ve decided you’d like to buy a business, so you start a cursory business search. Listings are purposefully vague (see why here), so after you’ve signed the appropriate NDA you’re finally given the name and address of a potential business.   What’s the first thing you do? That’s easy. You Google it.   In

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Narrowing Your Focus: An Important Step For Business Buyers

Here’s one we see all the time. We get a call or an email from a buyer who wants to sign 15 NDA’s on 15 different types of businesses so they can see where each is located and then decide which ones they like.   First of all, any business broker worth

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