There are a litany of decisions in any business transaction. Some are small. Some are huge. If you’re going to successfully navigate the process and end up at a closing table you’re going to have to be able to make these decisions – without second guessing yourself to the point where you can’t make a decision at all.
Here’s how:
Staying reasonable and rational in a highly stressful situation can be tough. It can be easy to let the stress of big decisions overwhelm you and let reason give way to panic – but here’s why you can’t. Choices made while you are in a panic-state can be knee-jerk and purely emotionally driven. The decisions you need to make during a business transaction need to be informed and rational. Go into the process of buying a business knowing the stress will be there – and get the right help. At the very least you should have your own experienced and qualified business broker who can talk you through each step in the process. You can also use their expertise and advice as you think about the decisions you have to make. If you are feeling overwhelmed about a decision or by the sheer number of decisions – talk to your business broker. They know how stressful this process can be and are an objective third party who can help you see your choices from a rational and experienced point of view.
You made the decision to start on a path to business ownership, so while the prospect of actually seeing that vison through to completion can be a bit scary at times – you know in your gut it’s the right path for you. With any monumental life change like buying a business cold feet, nerves and the like should be expected. There’s a difference, however, between decision jitters and a gut feeling that something isn’t right. If you feel like something is amiss, talk to your business broker. Any good broker is going to tell you if they think a particular business would be a mistake for you – and they also are going to agree with you if your gut (and not your nerves) are telling you to walk away.
The message here is although the process of buying a business can be stressful, you shouldn’t allow that stress to keep you from following your path to business ownership. Enlist the right help, stay rational and trust your gut.
Have you always wanted to own a business but are nervous about making that dream a reality? Do you have questions about the process required to buy a business? Would you like to know more about the role of a business broker in a transaction? Ask us! Leave us any questions or comments, we would be happy to help.
Michael Monnot