
Buying? What You Need To Know About Confidentiality

Buying a business is a big task, and there are many steps ahead of you that might seem ridiculous – but all are a necessary part of a successful business transaction.   The most important of these steps is the signing of confidentiality agreements and then keeping that confidentiality in place.   This

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Last-Minute Greed: The Business Deal Kiss Of Death (And How To Avoid It)

  Buying or selling a business is a large undertaking. From start to finish it can take months of back-and-forth to reach and agree on a deal. One you get to that point, where a purchase contract is ironed out, you should be able to coast through the home stretch –

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Buying A Business? What You Can Realistically Afford

Thinking about buying a business? What can you buy with the capital you have available?   Although there are several factors to consider when purchasing a business – like finding one in an industry where you have some practical experience or finding one in an area close to where you live –

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