
Buying? How You Should Look At A Business

  When most first-time business buyers first call us, they have only one request – they want to go see some businesses. They want to drive by, pop in and take a tour.   This is exactly the opposite of what a new buyer should ask for. You are buying a business, not

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Buying A Business? Patience Is A Must

We’ve talked about this issue a handful of times, but it is so prevalent in the day-to-day of buying and selling businesses it merits revisiting from time to time. A great business broker spends their work day keeping business deals on track and moving towards a closing table, but they

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Business Buyer 101: How Long Does It Take To Buy A Business?

  For most businesses, the time on the market between listing and selling is in the neighborhood of 9 to 12 months. The typical time between an accepted purchase contract and the closing table is somewhere around 30 to 90 days. These industry stats might be helpful for a business seller,

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