
Should I Use Multiples? Advice For Business Sellers & Buyers

The most important number in the sale of any small business is the price. The listing price is what a seller hopes to get and the purchase price is what someone is actually willing to pay.   Where do these numbers come from?   There are a few ways that business prices come to

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Buying Or Selling A Small Business? How Automation Can Help

Business ownership isn’t always fun. Think of a repetitive, mundane administrative task that a business requires. As an owner you make time for it and do it because you have to, but that time could absolutely be spent accomplishing something else more productive – like growing your business.   When you think

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Are You Set Up For Success? 2 Ways Business Buyers Can Help Themselves

  Buying a business? Congratulations on your start in the world of entrepreneurship! It’s hard work, but the benefits of owning your own business can absolutely outweigh the challenges – as long as you’ve set yourself up for success.   How can you get yourself off to the best start as a business

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