
It’s A Process: Why Business Buyers Need To Be Tough

It probably shouldn’t be a surprise that buying a business can be a bit of a process.   You have to sign non-disclosure agreements, go through documentation, have meetings and conference calls, deal with bureaucratic red tape for licensing and permitting, negotiate with sellers and landlords – all while making the massive

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Buying? Why Flexibility And Patience Are Your Best Bet

Most business owners and people considering business ownership have a particular type of personality. You could call it type-A, but it’s a bit more nuanced than that. Entrepreneurs are a tough bunch, used to taking risks and working hard to turn those risks into rewards. They’re comfortable with the idea

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Buying A Business? The Unconventional Questions You Should Be Asking

When you start looking at businesses to buy, you will probably have a list of questions you’ll want answered by sellers. The typical questions, like “why are you selling” and “how long have you owned the business” might seem pivotal.   However, there are a handful of more unconventional questions you should

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