Is your business performing
at its maximum potential?

Michael’s Financial Intelligence program can help you find out!

This program will answer your questions about how to sell a business fast, how to get the most money out of your business and how to grow your business. The answer to these questions is to properly prepare.

This program is structured to present actual business performance forward looking presentations to provide knowledge when making daily management decisions. Your accounting data will be transformed into Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) and presented in a format that will allow you to make educated decisions throughout your business year.

Is your business performing to it's maximum potnetial?

Our Financial Intelligence Program can show you:

  • How to sell a business fast
  • How to get the most money out of your business
  • How to grow your business
  • How to create an action plan for the future
  • How to manage cash, tax planning, & capital purchases

The “Financial Intelligence” Program

This is is a critical piece of effective business management. The structure is four quarterly meetings where prior prepared financial information is presented to your management team. During the presentation we will analyze your financial data and create a 90 day action plan. Decisions need to be made every day in a business operation. The program is a structured process to assemble your financial information to use it to run your business. You will be armed with financial intelligence as you face the challenges of your business operation.



We will receive your data and analyze the information to create a presentation in several different formats. Particular attention will be paid to the creation of Key Performance Indicators, a most important tool in your decision making process.

A staff will prepare a thorough overview of your performance over the past quarter. The fundamentals of Financial Intelligence will be applied and presented at your quarterly meeting. Your performance measurement tools will be updated in preparation for implementation into your next 90 day action plan.

Your numbers will be compared to industry standards as well as compared to your past performance. Future projections will be updated and analyzed for optimum performance.


Quarterly Meeting

The quarterly meeting is an opportunity to review your company’s performance, evaluate your plan versus actual numbers and develop the next action plan. The structured program will relay information in a concise and usable manor. High performance organizations have teams of accountants and financial staff to prepare tools and information for management to make the decisions necessary to operate and grow their enterprises. As an entrepreneur your time is the most valuable asset you have and we understand its value. We will be your financial team and prepare you for the challenges of your business.


90 Day Action Plan

The decisions you make every day affect your financial performance. With a plan that is based on past performance and specific future goals and objectives your daily decisions will be easier and more effective. Cash management, tax planning, capital purchases and expense incurrence are just a few of the decisions that your 90 day plan will help you make.


Quarter 1 – Tax Filing

  • Financial Performance – 3 year review against industry standard
  • Overview of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) options
  • Client input of existing KPI’s
  • 3 month action plan
Quarter 3 – Mid Year Performance Check

  • Financial tools update
  • KPI review and evaluation
  • Organizational chart review and employee performance review
  • Tax plan review and adjustment
  • 3 month action plan


Quarter 2 – Business Operations

  • Performance comparison to budget/projections
  • Capital, debt, equity review and plan implementation
  • 3 month action plan
Quarter 4 – Year End Review

  • Year end close review
  • Tax issues review and strategy implementation
  • Financial performance budget review and projections
  • New Year Launch


Please contact me for a free consultation