

How To Avoid Becoming The Angry Whim Buyer


As the world recovers from long lockdowns and regular travel begins, the entrepreneurs who have put their dreams of business ownership on hold can start the process again. Here’s the thing. Buying a business is a process. One that takes planning. Lots and lots of planning. 


Why do we point that out? The angry whim buyer.


It happens constantly. We get a call or email from a buyer who is in town and wants us to drive them around to see a few businesses while they are here. Oh, and they leave tomorrow to go home so it has to be today. 


Guess what? Not going to happen – not because we don’t want to sell you a business, but because seeing a business on whim is utterly impossible. It can not be done. When we tell this buyer no, they inevitably get angry. Angry because they want to see a business and they would be spending a lot of money. Angry because today they have nothing to do and it fits into their schedule so it should also fit into ours. 


Here’s the reality. That angry whim buyer obviously planned their trip. They bought plane tickets. They packed bags. They took leave from work. They arranged pet sitters. They reserved a rental car.


If this buyer really wanted to see businesses while they were here – they absolutely could have if they had just planned ahead like they did with all the rest of their travel arrangements. 


Why can’t I just go see a business when I feel like it? Why do I have to plan ahead?


Operating businesses protect themselves while they are for sale by maintaining a shield of confidentiality about that for-sale status. No one except the seller, the broker and buyers who have signed the appropriate non-disclosure agreements know that the business is for sale. This keeps the staff from quitting en masse. It keeps vendors and clients from canceling contracts. Most people think that a business for sale is a business in trouble (hardly ever true), so it is vital that the for-sale status stays need-to-know.


What does that mean for a business buyer who wants to see a business? The process usually goes something like this:


You talk to a business broker about your goals for business ownership, the amount of capital you’d like to spend and about the types of industries you are interested in. They help you narrow down the list of all potential businesses for sale to just those that would be what you are looking for. You then sign NDAs for those businesses and get a cursory look at some financial information as well as the name and location of the business. That information is used to narrow your list further to just those businesses that you really like. Your broker will then contact the seller’s broker and set up a conference call between you and the seller. If you are still interested in the business after your initial conference call with the seller, you can set up a walk through of the business location. This visit will have to take place when the business is closed so no employees or customers will be around. It will also have to occur when you, your broker, the seller’s broker and the seller themselves are available.  


It should be obvious that this process can’t happen in a couple of hours. It just can’t. 


Here’s what you can do instead. When you start planning your trip – plan to see some businesses. Talk to a broker. Sign the NDAs. Talk with some sellers. Coordinate a few business visits long before you step on the plane. Using the process to your advantage will keep you from wasting your time looking at businesses that never would have worked for you in the first place. Start planning today


Are you thinking about traveling to see businesses and want to know more about the process that’s required? Would you like to know what businesses are for sale in a particular area? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help. 




Michael Monnot

5111 Ocean Boulevard, Suite E
Siesta Key, FL 34242


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