How much education do you need to own your own business?
Ask a college recruiter that question and you’ll likely end up with a MBA degree. Ask a successful business owner and they’ll tell you that nothing trumps practical experience and hard work. So who’s right?
The entrepreneur. Some of the most successful business owners out there, like Richard Branson of the Virgin Group, don’t have a formal education. They had a vision that they fought for and built into a success.
Our society places a high value on higher education – as it probably should – but this has another, perhaps unintended consequence of convincing everyone that without a degree you can’t be successful. That’s just not true, especially in the small business world. You definitely don’t need a degree to own a business.
Small business ownership does require a few things. Grit and determination. Passion. The ability to hustle and never give up. The insight to see failures as lessons that can be learned from.
Should business schools even exist? Sure, but attending and graduation from a business program is not a prerequisite for business ownership.
You know what else isn’t required to be an entrepreneur? Starting from scratch. You don’t need a garage and a brilliant idea, you just need a little capital and the desire to own your own business. There are always existing businesses on the market, from a litany of industries. Industries where you have practical experience that you can translate into business ownership success. Buying an existing business also removes a lot of the guesswork. You know that the idea, the location, the operating procedures, the products and services – they all work because the business is open and turning good numbers.
If you are apprehensive about buying or starting a business because you feel like you are unqualified – don’t. Talk to a business broker today about your goals for business ownership, about what industries might fit those goals and what businesses are currently on the market. You might be pleasantly surprised that your years of practical experience can turn you into a business owner today.
Have you always wanted to own your own business but don’t think you’re qualified? Would you like to know what industries would fit with your career goals? Please leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.
Michael Monnot
5111 Ocean Boulevard, Suite E
Siesta Key, FL 34242