

Want To Stand Out? 3 Ways Buyers Can Get Noticed


If you’ve spent any time in the business-for-sale marketplace as a buyer, you may have discovered that it can be incredibly difficult to get anyone (sellers, brokers and the like) to take you seriously. This can be especially frustrating if you are a very serious buyer with money to spend, so what gives?


You can thank the non-serious, time-wasting tire-kickers who came before you.


The nature of the market means something like 90% of buyers who enter the marketplace never buy anything. This can understandably cause those on the other side of the transaction (think sellers and brokers) to resist expending much energy with a new buyer until they’re sure it’s not a complete and total waste of their time.


If you’re in the 10% of actual, serious buyers how do you distinguish yourself from the window shoppers around you?



Be willing to discuss finances:


Sure, no one likes discussions about their personal finances, and it can be really tough to divulge how much money you have to a complete stranger – but if that stranger is your new broker, this is critically important to do. If your broker doesn’t know how much money you are working with, then they can’t show you businesses that would be appropriate, nor will they be able to effectively negotiate on your behalf.


Be honest:


It is incredibly important to be honest, especially about your financial situation if you really want to get a deal done. Fudging or out-and-out lying about the capital you will have available will always come out, especially when the time comes to write a check that you can’t. Other things you should keep off the dishonesty list? Your past experience. A good broker will always try to talk you out of buying a business you know nothing about. Starting in a new venture is hard enough, you absolutely don’t want to add the steep learning curve of a brand new industry to the mix.


Avoid procrastinating:


Nothing is more infuriating for a buyer than a seller who takes forever to respond to requests for information, but it goes both ways. You will absolutely be given an appropriate amount of time for due diligence, and within that time frame you should be able to make a decision as to whether or not this business is for you. Continually asking for extensions and prolonging closings for no good reason can very quickly unravel a deal.


If you are really ready to buy a business and want to be taken seriously – be forthcoming with your capital, stay honest and make decisions in a timely fashion. It will quickly separate you from the never-going-to-buy-crowd.


Are you a buyer who’s been frustrated by the lack of attention you get in the marketplace? Are you ready to make offers and want to stand out from the crowd? Contact us! Leave us a question or comment here, and we will be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

5111 Ocean Boulevard, Suite E
Siesta Key, FL 34242




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