— From Ron Frost, Business Coach/Life Coach/Public Speaker
Do you take the time to recognize and celebrate your wins? Are you doing something special to show your appreciation for your staff’s efforts when a goal is achieved? Or do you find yourself caught up in the everyday toil of focusing on the next thing that needs to get done.
In our modern day business culture of non-stop work effort it far too easy to become attached to the next upcoming task on our list instead of stopping to reflect and celebrate on success that had just been achieved. Recently there have been several studies that have revealed a number of reasons why we should honor our team’s efforts with an acknowledgment of appreciation. Here are six reasons why celebrating “wins” can greatly impact your company’s success.
6 Reasons why you should celebrate your team’s wins:
1. Improves Creativity and Efficiency
When employees feel appreciated they are more willing to offer creative suggestions to improve business practices, increase production or improve client relations. They begin to take on an attitude of ownership and see projects through towards there successful completion and are more willing to put in the extra effort it takes to achieve the companies goals.
2. It Adds an Element of FUN !
Today one of the biggest detriments to achieving success in business is workplace stress. Many managers and employees become overly tense around having to achieve certain deadlines which lead to poor productivity and poor employee retention. By simply taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate your team’s successes you will begin to create a feeling of joy and satisfaction in all who work there. Shawn Achor author of “The Happiness Advantage, the seven principles of positive psychology that fuel success and performance at work” states “positive brains have a biological advantage over brains that are neutral or negative and that efforts to increase happiness in the work place improves both productivity and performance.”
3. Builds Momentum towards even Bigger Goals!
When human behavior is recognized and rewarded we tend to be conditioned to strive for bigger and greater outcomes. Companies such as Apple and Google are great examples of how to time and time again they exceed the world’s expectations though huge strides in technological advancements. They are also both great examples and believers in implementing programs that recognize and reward employee teams for achieving or surpassing their objectives. They have found the team award has had a far greater positive effect than just recognizing only one outstanding employee. Strong motivated happy teams build ever-increasing company success!
4. Creates an Positive Atmosphere That Rubs Off on Customers
Have you walked in a place and felt good to be there? Perhaps, you sensed the positive attitudes of the people who worked there. Maybe, you found that they treated you and other customers with love, kindness and the type of customer service that truly showed how much they loved their job. Numerous studies have shown that happy employees results in happy customers (and happy customers are more likely to come back and refer their friends too).
5. Unifies the Team to work together for a Positive Outcome
When the team is excitedly involved in reaching the goal together, they are more willing to participate and help each other in a positive way. A motivated team will generally achieve most goals quicker than individuals who work separate goals that are unconnected to the main team’s objective.
6. A Goal linked to a preconceived idea of how it will be celebrated is more likely to be achieved
One of my clients who owns and operates a custom signage and graphics business recently adopted a simple and effective program for honoring his employee team when a monthly goal is reached. At the beginning of each month the team comes together to talk about how they are going to work together to achieve that particular months sales goal. Together and along with the owner they come up with a reasonable, simple and fun way to honor and celebrate if the goal becomes achieved. Ideas have ranged from free pizza for lunch, to gift cards for each employee, to throwing a company picnic. Once the particular method of future goal celebration is agreed upon it becomes a fun and exciting game in which all participate fully to achieving. So far he has found that since introducing and implementing this method of pre-planning the celebration, every monthly goal has either been achieved or greatly surpassed. My client had also remarked that these simple celebrations have added a renewed spirit of fun and enjoyment to his business which had previously been lacking.
Regardless of how you want to implement a moment of celebration is actually less important than actually doing it. The truth is in this somewhat crazy fast paced world we sometimes forget to stop and actually recognize our own successes or our team’s successes. Whether you recognize your team’s achievement by picking up the lunch tab at their favorite eatery, providing a financial bonus reward or simply letting out a Michael Phelps style primordial scream and then praising everyone for a job well done… the benefits of celebrating and expressing gratitude far outweigh the effects of unrecognized achievement.
Ron Frost
Business Coach | Life Coach | Public Speaker
Michael Monnot
1910 Park Meadows Drive, Suite 202
Fort Myers, FL 33907