Deciding when to sell your business can be tough. Ideally, you want to sell when conditions are favorable – interest rates are low, there are more buyers than sellers in the market and the economy is peaking.
The timing of your sale can mean everything in terms of the amount you get for your business, so staying on top of market trends is critical if you are even considering selling.
If the sale of your business is something you see as a possibility in the near future, then the state of the market would suggest that the time to sell is now. Currently there are more buyers in the market than sellers, but with a wave of baby boomers poised for retirement – that balance is about to shift.
If you want to get out in front of the wave of boomers looking to sell, then there are a few steps you will need to take to ready your business.
First, you will need the services of an experienced business broker to help you through the process and take the pressure of finding and negotiating with buyers off your shoulders – so you can focus on running your business.
Second, you will need to get the business and all financial records ready for a buyer’s eyes – make repairs to your equipment, give the business a thorough cleaning, have your records assembled in a format that is easy to understand and have your numbers recasted so a buyer can quickly understand the value you have placed on your business.
In addition to these tangible steps, you also need to ready yourself. In the small business market, most deals involve at least a bit of seller financing and quite a bit of back-and-forth negotiation, so banish from your mind the ideal of an all-cash, full-price offer.
If you’ve thought about selling – now is the time. While the economy is good and the market favors sellers over buyers, get your exit strategy in place to get the best return on your investment.
Michael Monnot
12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907