

Business Sellers – The Time Is Now If You Have The Right Help

If you own a business, then it’s a pretty fair bet (and just smart business sense) to think about your exit strategy.


What is your plan for the day when you no longer want to own your business?


For those without an eager adult child ready and waiting in the wings to take over when you retire, the answer for the future of your business is to put it up for sale.

senior small business owner and employees

Selling your business is a great way to make a return on the investment of time, money and energy you’ve put in over the years – and selling can set you up with the capital you would need to retire or to invest in another business opportunity.


If selling is in your future, then the next decision is when. Right now most businesses have bounced back from the economic recession and there is a positive outlook for growth in the near future. Interest rates are low, making businesses worth more and there are currently more sellers in the market than buyers.


That all sounds great, but as anyone in the business world who survived the recent recession knows – things don’t stay great forever. We know that interest rates will rise and growth will slow. There is also an impending wave of baby boomer business owners poised for retirement – and when they decide to retire the market will be flooded with available businesses and the favor will shift to buyers.


The message here? If you are even considering selling in the near future, you need to seriously consider selling while the selling is good. And you need the right kind of help.


If you search business-for-sale sites or sign non-disclosures in order to request business information, you will probably be horrified by the lack of information available and the poor quality of the marketing package that has been put together. When we ask for packages from other brokers, we frequently get poorly photocopied tax returns and a P&L, but nothing that makes anyone excited to buy a business or even anything that justifies the listing price.


Selling your business successfully takes the right kind of marketing package. Our marketing packages include a breakdown of the financial information, location information, pictures, links to websites and reviews – the list goes on. A professional business broker knows how important that buyer’s first impression will be, and then puts together a marketing package that truly reflects why someone would want to buy your business.

If you think you may want to retire from business ownership or if you want to seek other business opportunities – now is the time to sell and we are the right kind of help. Contact us today to see what we can do for you and your business.


Have you thought about selling but have doubts about selling in the near future? Have you been presented with a joke of a marketing package and want to share your experience? Leave a comment or question here!


Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907


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