

When Is The Perfect Time To Buy A Business?

When will the time be right for you to take the entrepreneurial plunge and buy a business?


This is obviously a very big question. It’s also a bad question.


This question is based on the notion that there is such a thing as perfection in life. There isn’t. There will never be a perfect business. There will never be a perfect time. Perfection implies an absence of risk – and like many things in life that are worth doing becoming a business owner comes with a healthy dose of risk. You might not succeed.



Guess what? You might not fail either.


Entrepreneurs buy businesses every day. Most of them work hard and achieve the goals they have for business ownership. You could too.


That first step – deciding now is as good a time as any – can seem like an impossible step if you cling to the idea that the perfect time will eventually come. It won’t. Instead, you have to decide that the goals you have for your life – to be your own boss, to follow your passions, to make a better life for yourself and your family – those things are worth taking a bit of a risk.


So how do you start? Maybe you’ve had an idea of the type of business you’d like to own for a long time, maybe you aren’t sure what kind of business would work for you. Either way the first step is to have a conversation with an experienced and qualified business broker.


That first conversation should be about a couple of very important things. What are your goals for business ownership? How many hours do you want to work per day or week? Where do you want your business to be located? How much money do you need your business to make? Do you have a passion for a particular industry? In what areas/industries do you have practical experience that you could draw on as a business owner? How much capital do you have to invest in your new business venture? Would you need financing and what types of financing would you be comfortable with?


The answers to these questions can help a good broker find businesses for you to consider. These questions can also help you figure out what you really want to get out of owning your own business. Knowing what your goals are will be instrumental in making an educated and thoroughly researched decision about which business you buy.


It can be scary to walk away from a steady paycheck that you get from someone else, but if you aren’t happy working for that someone else don’t wait for a perfect time that’s never going to come. Take a well-considered yet imperfect jump instead.


Have you always wanted to own your own business but were waiting for the perfect time? Do you have questions about what types of businesses would fit your goals? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

5111 Ocean Boulevard, Suite E
Siesta Key, FL 34242

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