

Visa Processing Update

By Guest Contributor Sabine Weyergraf –


The Department of State reported on Friday, June 13, 2015 that it is experiencing technical problems which prevent the issuance of visas and passports worldwide. Especially affected are applications submitted on or after June 9, 2015. However, based on the feedback coming from interview attendees, no visas are being issued right now, even if the application was submitted prior to June 9, 2015.


A similar issue occurred last summer. It took about 4 weeks before everything was back to normal.


This delay will certainly create a backlog, considering that over 70,000 visas are issued every day around the world.


If you are in the process of purchasing a business, please be aware that this delay can affect scheduled closings of business transactions. If the foreign buyer is already in the United States with a B1/B2 visa, he or she might consider changing to an E-2 status in the United States. This would provide the security of the business being legally operated by the foreign buyer after the closing. This status is valid for two years; however, this E-2 status is only valid as long as you are in the United States. Thus, traveling outside of the U.S. is not an option. This might be a short-term solution until the Embassies are operating normally and seems to be the most viable option since a change of status can be processed within 15 days.




Sabine Weyergraf is founding partner and New York licensed attorney practicing solely immigration law with Weyergraf Immigration, PA in Sarasota, Florida.

Contact: 941-706-4102,

This article is provided for general informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.


Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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