We all have the dreams. Dreams of quitting the job we hate, of striking out on our own and finally becoming our own boss.
What stops us? Taking a huge leap into the unknown can be absolutely terrifying.
No one wants to fail, and to prevent that failure we try to get our ducks in a row before we make big changes. Like waiting for a housing market peak before listing your house for sale. Like detailing your car before you sell it. We all strive for things to be perfect when we’re about to take a big step.
Here’s the thing about that push for perfection. It can hold you back.
Entrepreneurs can’t be risk averse. Buying or starting a business, operating that business, growing that business – all of these come with their fair share of risk. Guess what? If you need to be comfortable with risk you can’t also demand perfection.
You can always find a reason not to do something. That’s the path of least resistance. If you don’t let go of your hope for perfection you aren’t going to be able to achieve the dreams, take the leap or change your life.
Should you disregard what’s going on in your life, disregard global catastrophes or settle for something that isn’t ideal? Of course not. The point we are trying to make is you can’t chase your dreams of business ownership if you always wait for everything to be just right.
If you really want to own your own business but aren’t sure if you’re ready or aren’t sure that the timing is right – have a conversation with an experienced and qualified business broker. They can help you decide what types of businesses would fit with your dreams and goals for business ownership and also give you guidance on the current state of the market.
Don’t wait for the perfect time to buy a business because that time will never come. Instead, have a conversation about your goals for business ownership and get started on the path to the life you’ve always wanted – today.
Have you always wanted to have your own business but aren’t sure if now is a good time? Would you like to know more about the business buying process? Ask us! Please leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.
Michael Monnot