

Overcoming a Sales Slump

By Guest Contributor Jessica Trippler –


Manager (businessman, coach, leadership) plan to increase company performance.


Most small businesses rely on sales people to sell a particular product. I like to say, “Sales people keep businesses in business.”


Did you know;

  • 20% of all salespeople make 80% of all sales, which means 80% of a sales force fights over the remaining 20% of business (Greenberg & Greenberg, 1983)
  • 55% of salespeople have no ability to sell, and 25% have sales ability but are selling the wrong product or service (Greenberg and Greenberg, 1983)


Finding the right people to keep you in business and keep you profitable can be difficult. During the hiring process business owners may ask themselves;

  • Can I trust this person to represent my company and product?
  • Can they really sell?
  • Do they understand the sales process?


When a business finally finds someone that can sell a product effectively, and lots of it, everything is great. The sales person is “on a roll” and it seems like nothing can stop them. Then a few months or years go by, and suddenly, that same person is not bringing in the numbers they used to. It is a huge concern when a small business or manager comes to the realization that their top performer is in what I like to call, a “Sales Slump.”


In order to understand exactly what happens during a “Sales Slump” and how to overcome it, we first have to understand what characteristics a top sales performer possesses. What types of behaviors and values are needed to be a top sales person?


A recent study by the Harvard Business School found that highly successful salespeople do not take “no” or objection personally; they take 100 percent responsibility for the results they deliver; possess empathy; have above average ambition, willpower and determination; are intensely goal-oriented; and can easily approach strangers (BASIS International, 2002). I believe sales people are often times high energy and have an uncanny ability to influence others to their point of view. Target Training International’s study into motivators and values confirm the importance of the utilitarian value. Utilitarianism indicates that top sales performers are motivated by practical results, rewards and a return on investment.


What causes the “Sales Slump” and how can we overcome it? Sales professionals would claim that customers are not willing to buy because of timing, the client was not serious, the economy is poor or the leads or opportunities that have been given to them are lacking. Or they may place blame on, my favorite objection, pricing. I think it is important for sales staff to learn how to become more self-aware. The better you understand yourself, the better you will understand others. Ultimately, all the strengths that make up a top performer can often times become their greatest weaknesses. Over time, these behaviors and values become overextended and cause stress. A “Sales Slump” can simply be a case of losing sight of the behavior it took in order to be successful. Just recognizing how a person’s behavior may have changed, may just be enough to overcome the slump. Overcoming a “Sales Slump” is truly about educating yourself or your staff and learning to be more self-aware.


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Jessica TripplerBusiness Perfomance Insights

Business Performance Insights
4575 Via Royale
Suite 218
Ft. Myers, FL 33919



Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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