

Make More Money When You Sell Your Business: 2 Surprising Ways To Improve Your Bottom Line


Anyone who owns a business wants to make more money than they already do, but adding to your bottom line becomes crucial when you are considering putting your business on the market – now or in the future. A growing business will always be more appealing to a buyer than a business that isn’t, and surprisingly simple changes can help boost your numbers in this critical time.


It might seem obvious that one of the easiest ways you can boost your numbers is by cutting costs, but some costs happen so routinely that they may not even occur to you as an owner. For instance, what do you pay for your merchant services? These subscription-type services are something your business needs, but if you take a closer look you might find you are paying far too much. Services like these often contain hidden and unnecessary fees – and if you signed a contract for service you could be hit with a hefty cancellation fee if you find something better and want to switch. Do a bit of research to see if all of your recurring expenses are giving you the most for your money.


A second surprising way you can improve your bottom line is by keeping your inventory in check. How much inventory do you have on hand? What inventory control mechanisms do you have in place? Many small businesses don’t think they need inventory management, they just order new inventory when something runs low. Neglecting your inventory can have disastrous effects on your bottom line, however, because excess inventory eats up your cash. Excess inventory, especially inventory that probably won’t sell, can even decrease the amount of money you are able to get for your business. Keeping proper tabs on what you’re buying will keep you from ending up in a situation where you are sitting on a pile of inventory that won’t ever sell – and business buyers won’t want.


Cutting costs by minimizing unnecessary expenses and streamlining your inventory process can all add value to your business in the critical time before you sell. Even if selling is on the distant horizon, these types of changes will at least help your bottom line – so why not?


Have you thought about selling in the near future and have questions about the process? Would you like to know more about boosting your bottom line in the run up to a business sale? Contact us today and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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