

Own A Small Business? 4 Big Website Mistakes To Avoid

Every business must have a website in the digital age, from a small food truck operation to a multinational corporation. Your website is how people find you, find out about what you do and decide if your business is the right business for their needs.


If you are a small business owner who doesn’t have a website – getting one is priority number one. Not having a web presence is like having a store without a sign out front or anything in the windows to tell those passing by what’s inside. If you do have a website, there are some very basic rules that separate a good website from a terrible one. Where does your current website fall? Here’s how to tell:


What makes for a great business website?


A good hosting plan.

Sure, you can find a litany of free or absurdly cheap web hosting services that will let you toss together a stock-layout website in 5 minutes – but is that what you really want the face of your business to be? Cheap and stock? Probably not. Services that offer more customization and a way to remove ads are essential if you want to look professional, and a good hosting service will also offer more speed for your users. The responsiveness and speed of your website will not only keep users happy, it can help boost your rankings with Google.


A good blog.

Blogs aren’t just for fashionistas or for your teenage kids – blogs are an essential part of any business website. Why? Having a blog ensures you are getting good information about your goods and services out to the people who visit your website. It also is a major factor in your rankings with Google. A well-kept blog means your website is constantly publishing new content – therefore constantly marching it’s way up the search rankings.


White space.

Do you know why newspaper stories have all of the pertinent information in the first paragraph? Very few people ever read the whole article. Online attention spans are even shorter – so if you are writing endless paragraphs that force people to scroll and scroll to find the information they need, you won’t keep their attention long enough to be useful to your business. Keep informative blurbs short and concise. Don’t clutter up your pages with too much information in one place. Your website needs to be aesthetically pleasing (lots of white space) if your want people to stay.


Your contact information.

This one might seem obvious, but you would be shocked at how many small business websites don’t include any contact information. One of the major purposes of your website is to tell people where you are and how to contact you. You should absolutely include your address, phone numbers, email addresses/a contact form and some kind of map.  


A great business website can be the difference between success and failure, so invest the time, money and effort to make the online face of your business as great as your physical one. A well-maintained and beautiful website will also make a great selling point when the time comes to put your business on the market.


Do you own a business but don’t have a website? Would you like to know more about how a great website can help you when the time comes to sell? Please leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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