Getting your business ready to sell? You’ve probably been busy assembling your financial records, fixing broken equipment and the like – but have you considered the virtual presence of your business?
If you’ve got no online presence to speak of or all you’ve got is a poorly maintained business Facebook page – you need to act now.
Any business on the market should have a decent website, and a quick and simple website is fairly easy to do. Services like Squarespace and Wix let you pick an already well-designed template, buy a domain name, insert your own information – and poof, your business is part of the digital age.
It doesn’t need to be complex. The contact information for your business, the location and the hours. A blog where you add updates about the products or services you offer. Menus, lists of products or services offered and their prices. It really is that simple.
Is having a website really that important? Absolutely, yes it is.
When a business buyer looks at a business with no online presence they are going to wonder what else the current owner has let slide. If you haven’t even bothered to tap into the digital marketplace then you haven’t been utilizing every tool at your disposal to help your business grow.
Another digital marketing avenue you should consider is reviews. Anyone considering buying your business is likely going to look you up on review sites, so ask your customers to post reviews about you. Negative reviews should be taken as constructive criticism – no matter how crazy they seem – and you should respond to negative reviews in a calm, positive manner to ask the unhappy reviewer what you could do to fix their issue. This is a good idea on two fronts. One, it will show anyone reading the bad review that you care and tried to remedy the situation and two – you might be able to turn that negative review into a positive one.
If you are selling your business, embrace the digital age. It will show potential buyers that you care about the future and growth of your business and that you have taken the steps to market your business in both the physical and online world.
Are you thinking about selling your business and don’t currently have a website? Would you like to know how to improve your online reviews? Please leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.
Michael Monnot
12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907