

How To Avoid 6 Big Business Buyer Mistakes

If you are considering buying a business for the first time you’d probably like to avoid any mistakes. No one wants to walk into their new business and immediately mess something up, right? One of the best ways to avoid mistakes is to learn about common missteps and then work to avoid the blunders of those who have come before you. 


What are some typical blunders that inexperienced entrepreneurs make? Here’s six:


Naming the business after yourself:

When deciding on a name for your business it can be tempting to just name it after yourself. Here’s why you shouldn’t. Your business name is pubic information, and will also become your brand. While that might be fine for a social media influencer it can be an issue if you have a business that you want to be able to sell. You don’t want to work forever, so when the time comes to retire or move on to another venture you might have to also sell your name to a new owner. You can avoid this by coming up with an original name instead. 


Buying a business you know nothing about:

First-time business ownership is hard enough without having to start from zero. If you have always wanted to buy a restaurant, but have never worked in one – it would be a big mistake to choose that industry. Choose a business in an area where you have practical experience because as the owner of a business, you need to know what the business needs.


Not doing your homework:

Why is the business for sale? Is it just because the owner is retiring, or are they jumping off a sinking ship? You will have the due diligence phase to determine what the problems are, and then you will have the opportunity to amend your offer or walk away from the deal all together. This is a critically important step, as you don’t want to discover problems after the business is already yours.


Changing too much too soon:

Unless you are buying a business with a horrible reputation, a new owner should tread carefully with regards to changing the business. You bought the business because it was an established company with a good reputation, and you don’t want to drive away customers familiar with the brand by immediately dismantling everything they know about the business. The established image may have more to do with the bottom line than you know, so make changes slowly.


Not leaving yourself enough cash:

It may take several months to get a business transitioning to a new owner in the black, so leave yourself enough operating capital to keep the doors open. Many new owners walk into a functioning business and immediately spend far too much on unnecessary improvements, digging themselves a very deep financial hole in the process.


Not understanding the importance of marketing:

You may have bought an already established business, but that doesn’t mean that you can forgo the push to keep the business growing. Most established businesses already have a customer base, but keeping those customers coming back and bringing new ones in is a responsibility that now falls to you. Advertising and marketing need to be a top priority as the new owner.


The most important thing you can do as someone who wants to become a business owner is find the right help. If this is a process you’ve never gone through before, find a good business broker to help you along the way. Having assistance through this process will save you from making many of the mistakes that first-time business buyers make.


Are you thinking about buying a business for the first time, but want to avoid the blunders listed above? Do you have additional questions about the business buying process? Contact us or leave a question here and we will be happy to assist you on the road to business ownership.




Michael Monnot




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