Take a look at this wine shop that also carries craft beers and cheeses.
Beautifully built out wine, cheese and craft beer store. Franchise locations are sold at $25k per unit alone. Fantastic & unique build
out, great affordable wine, cheeses, craft brews, wine tasting & the franchise provides newsletters & wine of the month clubs & you have yourself an upscale wine boutique that provides everything the large chains do. Need a quick sale due to health issues. Transfer fees negotiable.
Reason for Sale : Contact Listing Agent
General Location : SW FL
Organization Type : Limited Corporation Hours Owner Works: 40
: Years Established: 5 Years Owned: 5 Emp FT: 0 Emp PT: 1 Mgrs: 0
Non Compete : Miles: 5 Years: 3 Weeks Training: 1 Cost: 0
Operating dys/hrs : Mon – Wed 11am – 8pm, Thur – Fri 11am – 9pm, Sat 11am – 7pm
Skills/Licenses : None – Seller will Train
Business is : Relocatable: N Home Based: N Franchise: Y Lender P/Q: N
Inventory 30,000
F F & E 52,538
Leasehold 5,000
Total Assets 87,538
Lease/Month: 2133 Square Footage: 1340 Building Type: Plaza
Terms & Options: Rent includes everything Expiration Date: 12/31/2014
Facilities: Plaza with great traffic and other retail and food. 1340 Sq Ft
Growth/Expansion: Should be ready for growth as plaza had construction for a lengthy time making it difficult for incoming traffic
Financing: Only $37500 down
Michael Monnot