Category : Wholesale SIC : 5149
Detail : Wholesale Bakery Price : 240,000
County : Lee Down : 240,000
State/Prov : Florida Adj Net : 19,794
Country : USA Sales : 201,439
A full service bakery offering some retail, wholesale and distribution. Currently carrying specialty products but set up with a full kitchen so perfect for wholesale bakery that is ready to grow or grow through acquisition, catering or many other uses. Additional accounts in process as sales person has just been hired. Contact listing agent for asset list or questions.
Reason for Sale : Contact Listing Broker
General Location : SouthWest Florida
Organization Type : Limited Corporation Hours Owner Works: 0
Years Established : 3 Years Owned: 3 Emp FT: 1 Emp PT: 1 Mgrs: 0
Non Compete : Miles: 0 Years: 0 Weeks Training: 0 Cost: 0
Operating dys/hrs : Wholesale Operations
Skills/Licenses : None
Business is : Relocatable: N Home Based: N Franchise: N Lender P/Q: N
Data Source Owner to Prove
Year (Cash Flow) 2011 (N) (N) (N)
Gross Revenue 201,439 0 0
Cost of Goods 135,965 0 0
Gross Profit 65,474 0 0
Expenses 45,680 0 0
Net 19,794 0 0
Owner Salary 0 0 0
Benefits 0 0 0
Interest Expense 0 0 0
Depreciation 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Owner Benefit 19,794 0 0
Accounts Rec 0 N* Real Estate 0 N*
Inventory 0 N* ___________ 0 N*
F F & E 105,000 Y* Total Assets 135,000 Y*
Leasehold 30,000 Y* *Included?
Lease/Month: 1500 Square Footage: 3000 Building Type: Comm Biz Park
Terms & Options: TBN Expiration Date: 7/31/2012
Michael Monnot