In any business transaction, it is a wise move to use the services of a business broker. This can be even more important if you are considering purchasing a franchise. A business broker will have access to the critical information you need when deciding on a business purchase, and will be able to get you financial information you would not be able to obtain otherwise. If you try to call franchise owners and ask them what they make every year, you will likely end up listening to a dial tone on the other end. Business owners are not going to breach their own confidentiality over your curiosity. Instead, a business broker ensures the confidentiality of all parties, allowing for the disclosure of the important facts and figures without any breach of trust. Business brokers also have experience and contacts within the field, so they will know what franchises are doing well in their area. Use this expertise to guide you down a path to franchise ownership that will be both beneficial and profitable for you.
Michael Monnot