

What Separates The Good Entrepreneurs From The Great


Whether you’re a business owner already or someone who is considering taking the entrepreneurial plunge, knowing what it takes to be great is essential to success. The essential ingredients to success come from knowing about the challenges you will face and having the will to persevere. The problems come from unrealistic expectations of what business ownership is really like.


Many budding entrepreneurs come to the business market looking for a business they can buy for a small amount of capital that is going to make them buckets and buckets of money. This is far, far from reality. Owning your own business does give you the flexibility of deciding your own fate while doing something you are passionate about, but it rarely makes you filthy rich. If you are in it to become the next Mark Cuban, you might be in the wrong game.



One aspect of entrepreneurship most don’t consider is the mid-ownership crisis. Owning your own business is very tough, so late one night with a pile of work left to do before the sun comes up you will likely ask yourself “What am I doing here?” We regularly remark that it would be far easier to just go get a job and punch someone else’s clock. If you get to a mid-ownership crisis, don’t panic. If the issue is burn out, you can move to sell your current business and purchase another one in a different arena. If burn out isn’t the problem, then just hang in there. Great entrepreneurs know how to persevere and make the best of what they have to continually grow their business.


Another ingredient that separates the good from the great is leadership skills. If you own a business that isn’t a one-man show, then you not only have to motivate and manage your staff, you have to set a good example by being motivated all on your own. Many first-time business owners delegate anything and everything to their staff without lifting a finger – this can be a big mistake. The best leaders are those who would never ask their employees to do something they wouldn’t do themselves, and often demonstrate their leadership by rolling up their sleeves and working right alongside their staff. Regularly demonstrating to your staff that your heart is still in the game can be great for morale.


Great business owners also know the importance of the community’s perception. It can be difficult to keep from taking a bad review personally, especially if you are a company of one. Using any review (no matter how scathing or ridiculous it might initially seem to you) as constructive criticism can only help your business grow. Sure, there are trolls who live to complain and customers out there who no one could ever make happy, but responding politely to and implementing changes based on negative reviews will show your clientele that you are driven to be a part of the community for years to come.


Owning your own business can be really, really hard work – but the rewards of becoming a great entrepreneur are worth the effort.


Have you always wanted to buy your own business and are curious to see what’s currently available? Ask us! Please feel free to leave any questions or comments, we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot




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