

How Online Reviews Affect Your SEO & Attract New Customers

By Guest Contributor Krystal Burroughs –




Unfortunately just relying on your website, social media and paid online advertising is not enough to always ensure you are attracting new customers. We have all spent too much time and money on our website to only find later that no one was visiting the site. Then we hear if we pay for SEO, blog and post to our social media sites daily that will bring the ideal customers our way.


While all the above are great plans for being found online there is still something else to consider. According to a recent study by Moz “Online reviews may make up 10% of the factors that search engines like Google use to rank pages”.


In addition to ranking what are your potential customers seeing about your business online?


How important are online reviews?
90% of consumers say they read online reviews before making a purchasing decision.
72% of consumers will take action only after reading a positive online review.
86% of people will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative online reviews.


Not surprisingly many of the first calls I have with potential clients is them lamenting about bad reviews and how they are hurting their business. The questions to ask yourself when you find you are unhappy with your business ranking and online reviews:


Do you ask for customer feedback?
Do you implement changes based on the feedback you receive?
Do you monitor your online presence and reputation?


The answer to these questions is key to the future success of your business.


In the past it was cumbersome to get real feedback and even more so to ask customers to give you an online review. We have taken the pain out of this process. Give us a call today to not only improve your ranking and SEO but also improve your customer’s experience and loyalty.



linkedin reviewdriverFINAL
Krystal F. Burroughs
Director of Client Happiness
Review Driver
(727) 218-9218

Stats Source Link:



Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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