

Benefits Of The E2 Visa – A Primer For Business Buyers And Sellers

This United States is a country of immigrants. Our foundation was built on the backs of the small business owners who came to this country to give their families a chance at a better life. While today’s anti-immigration news climate might seem to impede the path of those living abroad who have a desire to move to the United States – it doesn’t mean you can’t get here. The entrepreneurial American dream is still very much alive and well.


The United States allows several pathways for those who would like to come here and invest in a business – because those businesses help to strengthen the American economy and create jobs.


One of these pathways is by way of the E2 Visa.



An E2 Visa is an option worth considering if you are a foreign buyer because it allows a non-immigrant investor to come to the U.S. with their spouse and children to live and work so long as they invest in a business that qualifies for E2 status. There are rules to consider, such as whether or not the country where you hold citizenship will allow you to qualify for this type of Visa, but those answers can easily be found by checking the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services website, found here:


or by asking a qualified business broker who has experience with the E2 Visa process (like us!).


If you are a business seller, then this type of Visa could potentially be very important to you as well. If your business qualifies for E2 status, then you will be opening your business listing to a huge market of investor buyers who are looking for a way to come the the United States.


If you haven’t heard of getting your business qualified for the E2, don’t be surprised – there are not many brokers who are experienced in this type of transaction, and many falsely believe that throwing a Visa into the mix will slow a transaction down. While a Visa does add a few more steps (mostly on the buyer side of the table), in most cases the process will only be delayed by a few weeks – and quite frankly we have had more deals held up by the sellers themselves than we ever have by consulates evaluating E2 status.


If you think the E2 might be your path to entrepreneurship in the United States, don’t delay. There are great businesses for sale that currently meet the E2 requirements. If you haven’t asked about qualifying your business for the E2 Visa, please do by contacting us today! The more buyers who see you business as a potential investment opportunity, the better – so why limit yourself to only local and national buyers? Get your small business on the international scene and you will have a great chance of finding the right buyer.


For more information about the E2 Visa process, please also visit our sister site,


Are you a foreign buyer who is interested in the option to buy a business in the States with the E2? Are you a seller who wants to know if your business would qualify? Please feel free to leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help!




Michael Monnot

12995 South Cleveland Avenue, Suite 249
Fort Myers, FL 33907

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