

What Does The 10% Look Like? Thoughts For Business Buyers

As a business buyer, it is critically important that you stand out from the crowd. Why?


Up to 90% of prospective buyers who enter the business market never buy anything.


If you consider this statistic from the perspective of a seller or business broker it looks like this – 90% of the buyers who initially contact you will wind up a complete waste of your time.


If you are serious about buying a business, you need to make yourself stand out as a part of that all-important 10% of buyers. How do you do that? Think about who someone in that 10% is.



What does the 10% look like? Well, like everyone. A business buyer ins’t best described by demographic data – a business buyer is simply someone who buys a business.


While this statement might initially sound obvious, preconceived notions about what a business owner looks like can perhaps unconsciously hinder those who could truly be successful entrepreneurs from entering the marketplace. If you’ve always been unhappy with your professional life and have always felt like you could do better if you were the one in chargeyou probably could. Running your own business isn’t any harder than going to a job you absolutely hate. The difference is at your own business the buck stops with you. If you have the drive, grit and creativity to push your business into tomorrow you can be just as successful as the person who climbs the corporate ladder for someone else. The difference is when you get to the level of success you were looking to attain – as a business owner that success is yours.


Ok, so I hate my job and I want to be my own boss. How do I get myself into that 10%? It’s incredibly simple. Act like a serious buyer.


Serious buyers are willing to sign non-disclosure agreements without a fuss. They understand that they are receiving privileged and confidential information about someone’s business and they respect that confidentiality. Serious buyers take the information they receive and put together a fair offer that has justifiable terms. They don’t waste everyone’s time by throwing in a ridiculous low-ball. Serious buyers also know that the best way to find out what they need to know to make an informed decision is by asking great questions.


The message here? The world of small business ownership is diverse. Your actions are what make you an entrepreneur, so use those actions to make yourself stand out.


Are you a business buyer who would like to know more about the process of buying a business and standing out from the crowd? Please leave any questions or comments here and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

5111 Ocean Boulevard, Suite E
Siesta Key, FL 34242

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