

Good/Bad? What Was The Pandemic Like For The Small Business Market?

The pandemic was bad, but how bad was it for the small business market?


Well, it depends. It’s been an unprecedented year to say the least. Some businesses couldn’t weather the storm and had to close their doors. Those businesses made all the headlines, but outside of the spotlight many small businesses survived. Sure, some of the businesses who were able to remain open were forced to lay off workers, make cuts and the like – but small businesses and the small business market (perhaps surprisingly) never stopped.



Business owners who were able to pivot – say a restaurant who switched to take out and delivery options, or a manufacturer who was able to switch to producing hand sanitizer – these businesses did really well. So did businesses based in the new “essential” category. The ingenuity of the small and growing business showed itself in the creativity that allowed businesses to not only remain open – but thrive.


On the other side, people forced from their jobs and relegated to staring at the walls of their homes were also forced to evaluate what they wanted out of life. For a lot of them, what they want is to be their own boss – and as such calls from potential buyers never stopped.


What does the last year of the small business market mean for you?


The good news is if your business weathered the last year and you’re thinking about selling – there are absolutely buyers in the market. The pandemic-driven future entrepreneurs are looking to buy, and the fact that your business remained open is an enormous selling point. Talk to a business broker today about what the market currently looks like for a business like yours and what businesses in your industry are currently selling for.


If you fall into that category of budding entrepreneurs who are going to take the hard lessons from the last year and turn them into a more fulfilling life – there is never a better time than now. Sure, there are multi-million dollar businesses on the market – but there are also lots of very affordable business opportunities out there. Have a conversation with an experienced and qualified business broker about your goals for ownership, the capital you have available and the practical experience you have. You might be surprised, not only with the number of business opportunities available to you but also by what types of businesses will check all the boxes for your goals.


Were you thinking about selling your business before the spring of 2020 and now think the time might be right to restart those plans? Are you considering making the jump to business ownership now that the pandemic is winding down? Do you have questions about the small business market in 2021? Ask us! Leave any comments or questions and we would be happy to help.




Michael Monnot

5111 Ocean Boulevard, Suite E
Siesta Key, FL 34242

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