The romance of owning your own business can sometimes give a new buyer blinders about where the business actually is and what that means for the day-to-day life of the business owner and their family.
It’s essential to evaluate the local area where the business is located to determine if it aligns with the lifestyle you’re looking for and it has the amenities you need. Assessing the local area helps ensure that you not only invest in a viable business but also find a community where you want to live and thrive.
An important note here. Don’t trust the outward appearance or your preconceived notions of what a place is like. Google it. Visit. Call schools. Watch YouTube videos. Join Facebook groups to hear what people are really saying. Read the local news. You get the idea.
Here’s some things to consider when looking at not only where you want to work – but where you want to live:
Evaluate the local area’s lifestyle and determine if it suits you, your family and your goals. Consider factors such as climate, proximity to amenities, recreational activities, cultural attractions and community values. Ensure that the local area offers the quality of life you desire, as you will be spending a significant amount of time in this community.
Research the cost of living in the local area to understand its affordability. Compare housing costs, taxes, transportation expense, and other living expenses with your budget and financial capabilities. Ensure that the cost of living is sustainable and aligns with your income potential from the business you plan to buy.
Evaluate the local area’s accessibility and infrastructure. Consider proximity to transportation hubs, major highways, airports and public transportation. Assess the quality of healthcare facilities, schools and other essential infrastructure that may impact your lifestyle and the business’s success.
Consider the safety and security of the local area. Research crime rates, the effectiveness of local law enforcement and any other relevant safety measures. A safe and secure environment is crucial for your personal well-being, the well-being of your family and the success of your business.
Evaluate the level of community engagement and support in the local area. Look for signs of a vibrant community that values local businesses and encourages entrepreneurship. A supportive community can provide networking opportunities, word-of-mouth marketing and a customer base that appreciates local establishments.
It could not be more important to thoroughly research the local area before you buy a business. Your life outside of your business needs consideration just like P&Ls and purchase contracts. Sit down with your family and figure out what everyone will need to be happy and then find a business in a place that will meet those goals.
Are you thinking about buying a business and hadn’t considered researching where you would actually live? Do you have questions about what businesses are currently for sale in an area you like? Ask us! Leave any questions or comments and we would be happy to help.
Michael Monnot